Chapter 063 - Reunion

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5 minutes...

10 minutes...

Still, Jacobson and his army are just hovering above Meziah and others.

Maziah can not wait any longer, he commands his army to take a megaphone.

"Hey, Jacobson... What are you waiting for? Come down, isn't it there is a transaction need to be done?" Meziah said through his megaphone.

They can see Jacobson trying to respond to that call by taking a walkie-talkie.

Meziah then also takes a walkie-talkie and finds the same frequency as Jacobson.

"Ah... Yeah... Hello, can you hear me?" Jacobson's sound was heard through the walkie-talkie.

"Yes, Jacobson, why don't you come down?" Meziah asked again.

"Well... the view is beautiful from up here... The sunset, the scenery..." Jacobson said.

Well, it is a nonsense answer, but what can Meziah and McMoney do?

"What about my packages, do you have them? Where is my artifact?" Jacob asked.

McMoney then signals Jeff for him to open the case again and show it to Jacob.

"Wait let me see with my binoculars," Jacob said...

"Is it genuine?" He asked again.

"Why don't you come down and make sure yourself?" Meziah said.

"OK, just put that on top of the rock over there, in the open field," Jacob commands.

What else they can do besides obey Jacob's command? So Jeff just follows the instructions, he walks and puts the case on top of the pointed rock.

"OK, good boy... And where is the Japanese Scientist?" Jacob asked again.

"There... locked inside the cabin house over there," Meziah said.

"Good... Good... OK, Jack, you can give them the weapons." Jacob said.

"Wait... No-no... You need to pay me first." McMoney takes Meziah's walkie-talkie and says.

"Alright-alright... Money first, always like that for you, isn't it Jack? Wait... Here, done, check your account." Jacob said.

Jack McMoney then checks his account number, and the huge payment is received. McMoney is smiling and so are Jeff and Dikombo, they think finally they get what they deserve.

Then McMoney commands his mercenaries to bring all the weapon crates from the cargo plane there, in front of Meziah. They open the top crate to show them what is inside, and it is what they want, a bunch of advanced weapons. But when this is happening...

"DON'T MOVE! DROP YOUR GUN! OR I WILL SLICE YOUR LEADER'S THROAT!" Nasef suddenly grabbed Meziah from behind and held his knife to Meziah's neck.

When this happens, all the RDA army also point their gun at CCT's army and McMoney's mercenaries. Jibir also points his weapon at Otomanko from the optimal range. He knows if he is too close or too far from him, Otomanko can quickly do something that will disadvantage him.

"After all my hard work, you think I'll just hand over all my hard work to you? Don't dream, Meziah." Nasef said to Meziah.

But Meziah just keeps smiling and calm in that situation. Even though the CCT army is still confused about what must they do? And also McMoney's mercenaries.

"HA-HA-HA, that cockroach finally shows their true identity. People who use religion to gain authority are guaranteed as biggest losers in this world." Jacob said just to his army, this is become their internal joke to be laughed at together. From above they are witnessing the betrayal.

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