♠ - XV - The Youngest Prince - ♠

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After the pleasant breakfast Daisy had with Gianluca, the young man dropped her at the mansion before he took off to his university, as he had a meeting for an assignment with his colleagues. He told her that he was studying business studies as a course, which made her realize that he was serious about taking over the company.

From today's event, Daisy was rooting for him and even if it wouldn't be fair to others, she would do anything to make his dream come true.

The morning's temperature was a bit chilly as she entered the mansion's grounds. Usually, a car would enter the gates and take her straight to the mansion's entrance, but lately, she had been enjoying walking around the property before reaching the house.

It was nice to see the environment of the Spada residence grounds while strolling around, instead of exploring it through the car's window.

As the mansion itself, the grounds of the residence were sophisticated. She felt as though she was walking around a park with the perfect green of the garden and some stylish bushes that were garnishing the area.

As she walked, she could sense the fresh smell of humid grass. Waking up early wasn't so bad. There was something in the morning environment that made it worthy to sacrifice her sleep.

"Ah, good morning, Daisy," Martina greeted behind a pile of ironed clothes as Daisy entered the house.

It was always like this, whenever they crossed paths, Martina was always holding something. Most of the stuff were things that made it difficult to see her face.

"Good morning, Martina," said Daisy, approaching her. "Do you want some help with that?"

"N-no. It's okay," said Martina, her voice stuffy coming through that pile. "I'm close to my destination anyway."

Daisy folded her arms. "Are you sure?"

She still wondered why Martina went through the trouble of taking a huge number of things instead of sparing herself and taking them little by little.

"Yeah." Martina attempted to nod. "Anyways, how was your morning with Master Gianluca?"

"It was good," said Daisy, remembering the delicious bread she had. "He was right, that bakery is legendary."

A quiet chuckle filled the atmosphere behind the pile of clothes.

"Well, you'll have to excuse me now," said Martina. "I have to deliver this bunch in its respective place."

"Sure," said Daisy, standing on the other side to make way for Martina.

As she watched Martina walk away, Daisy was amazed how Martina strolled normally despite holding a long pile of clothes. Her long dark hair moved up and down as she disappeared into the hallway.

Another yawn escaped Daisy as she walked around the mansion, confirming that she had to take a nap. Waking up early was a challenge for her and her body still wasn't used to it. She had to take a nap before her sleep turned into a terrible headache.

As she was reaching the first floor, she heard a child sobbing. Concerned with the situation, she increased her pace on the stairs. She realized that the sobbing came from the small living room.

Approaching the little room which had the television broadcasting a news network, she examined her surroundings, looking for the source of the cry. She walked deep into the room to have a better look in one of the honey-colored sofas filling the area.

Her brows arched when she saw someone lying and crying inside a purple blanket.

"Excuse me," she said, bending her knees to have a better look. "Is something wrong?"

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