♠ - IV - Uselessness - ♠

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"We're here."

"Oh." Daisy dropped her focus from her phone.

Putting her phone back in her small handbag, she wondered how long she had been distracted. After leaving the airport, she spent most of the trip excitedly admiring the city before she had wi-fi access and got lost in her device.

Roberto opened her door right when she was about to do it herself.

"Thank you," she said, sounding a bit uncomfortable.

Even though she was a princess, she still wasn't used to being treated with such high class.

A scream almost escaped her lips when her eyes met the scene in front of her. A large building, looking more like a mansion, stood small steps away from her. Despite its old-looking design from the outside, Daisy still thought it looked luxurious.

For a moment, she gazed at the building, her mouth agape.


She struggled to find her words as she found more surprises when she examined her surroundings. She noticed that they were surrounded by a wide colorful garden. She stretched her neck a little, trying to see where the property started and ended.

"Is this the place Mr. Pietro lives?" she asked, hoping to get a negative answer.

It wouldn't be easy to help a wealthy family find their true happiness since money could give them everything.

"Yes, this is the main residence of the Spada Family," Roberto replied with a nod.

Daisy's chin dropped again. As she couldn't hide her shocked face, Roberto covered his mouth, trying not to laugh. No one would've guessed that Pietro was a wealthy man, judging by the clothes he wore when Daisy met him. He looked more like someone from the middle class.

As Roberto went back to the car to grab the luggage, two people approached them. One was a slim but short man of a certain age in a black suit. Beside him, Daisy spotted a young woman in a maid uniform.

"You must be the guest Master Pietro talked about," said the man, his voice quiet. "Welcome to the Spada residence. I'm Livio, the majordomo."

"And I'm Martina, one of the maids," said the young woman with a smile. "Pleased to meet you."

Daisy froze upon hearing the words majordomo and maids. There was no way this family needed her; they had the life of a royal family. A feeling of uselessness sunk in her heart. She was so shocked that she didn't notice them looking at her.

"Ah," she realized, "sorry, nice to meet you I'm Daisy Rios."

"The pleasure is all ours, Miss Rios," said Livio with a warm smile. "You must be tired from the trip. Martina, please show our guest her room."

Martina nodded, placing strands of her brown hair, that escaped her low ponytail, behind her ear.

"Please follow me," she said.

"OK." Daisy grabbed her luggage.

The driver gently pushed her hand away.

"There's no need," he said. "I'll take them."

"Oh...thanks," said Daisy.

She then followed Martina to the residence's entrance. Her brows arched as soon as they entered the building. 

Even though the outside of the house made it look as if it was from ancient times, the inside was something else. It was modern with the type of furniture decorating the spacious area and bright colors painted on the walls. 

Before they hit the stairs, Daisy couldn't help but blink repeatedly whenever she saw luxurious items and furniture such as paintings and vases. She wondered how much they were worth since they looked as though they were imported from different countries.

As they hit the stairs, she thought everything was so perfect and expensive that it demotivated her.

What kind of family wouldn't be happy with all this?

Reaching the first floor, the duo walked through the wide corridor, crossing doors Daisy wondered if they led to Pietro's children's room. It took another minute of strolling before they stopped at one particular door.

"Please," invited Martina after opening the door.

Daisy smiled and entered her new room. After everything she saw, she thought that she wouldn't be more surprised but again she was amazed at what she saw. This room certainly was two times bigger than hers back in Cape Verde and her single bed was nothing compared to the queen-sized she was witnessing.

"Wow," came out of nowhere.

Martina attempted to hide her laugh with a smile while Roberto looked like he couldn't hold it anymore as he put the luggage beside her new bed. Her commoner reaction sure was bringing some laughter to the employees.

"From now on, this will be your new room," said Martina as the driver left the area.

"Really?" Daisy's eyes widened. "It's so beautiful and...big."

She opened the glass door not far from the bed. She found a small round balcony after it.

"And it has a nice view too," she continued.

Below, she saw another colorful garden and a swimming pool which was being cleaned by someone. The walls to the neighbor's house were so far away, even their grounds were big. She sighed.

"I'm glad you liked it," said Martina. "Mr. Pietro made us make a total makeover for you. You must be really special."

Daisy blinked twice before she looked over her shoulder.

"Sorry for having you to work hard because of me."

"Don't be." Martina shook her head. "It's our job after all. By the way Miss-"

"Oh, you can drop the formality," said Daisy, walking back to the room. "Call me Daisy."

"Hum." Martina cleared her voice. "OK. Umm, Daisy, would you like something to eat or drink?"

Having just had lunch with Pietro, she didn't feel like eating again but, as a person who goes with the flow, she said, "Sure. A glass of juice won't hurt."

"I'll bring it right away," said Martina with a smile. "Please excuse me."

Martina walked away, gently closing the door. It didn't take long for Daisy to throw herself on the bed that felt more fluffy than any ordinary bed. She couldn't help but roll around it, wondering what was the point of her being here. She kept asking herself that until she noticed the items on top of one of the vanilla-colored nightstands.

One pink jewelry box and behind it, she spotted a silver-colored flowered frame. In the frame, she saw a picture of a young woman with long wavy honey hair and a large hat, smiling at the camera.

Daisy's brows rose, wondering if this could be one of Pietro's children. It would be great if she were since she thought it was easier to find unhappiness in a girl than in a boy.

She yawned, realizing that her tiredness had started to kick in. She refused to shut her eyes, theorizing that her fatigue could be because her emotions were shaken with every reveal of Pietro's residence. The time zone affecting her could be another reason, even though the time difference between Italy and Cape Verde wasn't much. 

Before she knew it, she was already sleeping.

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