chapter nineteen

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risk trepidation

"YOU HAVE TO GET SOME REST, MR. POTTER." Madam Pomfrey said gently, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

James didn't acknowledge what she had said.

How could anyone eat or sleep or even so much as think when the person they loved laid unconsciously in a hospital bed?

James saw it. He saw when the lightning bolt missed her by a  shred of hair. He thought she died. She must have. She caught the Snitch. It was clutched in her hand when she fell. Marlene couldn't stop the time but everyone knew that she was the fastest.

Ten minutes at least.

She had been in the hospital wing for a week now. He couldn't eat or sleep.

He just wanted her to wake up. That was all he needed. To hear her voice to know she's safe.

The first few days he was allowed to stay with her but after the third day he wasn't allowed to skip anymore class. Remus had taken up some of his nightly rounds so Dumbledore nor Lily could say that he was neglecting his responsibilities.

There were flowers surrounding her bed, get well soon cards, and sweets from all her friends from different houses.

Alice seemed to be coping worse than James, she had bags under eyes and was staying in Emmeline's dorm instead of her own. She and James would take shifts to stay with Valentina. They didn't want her to wake up alone.

"How is she holding up?" Sirius asked, when James walked into their dorm at the end of the day.  

James flopped down on his bed and rubbed his eyes tiredly, "I have no idea. She barely moves."

Sirius sat down on the foot of James' bed and gave him a sympathetic look. "She's stronger than she looks, she's going to be okay."

"You don't know that!" James said frustratedly. "She was struck by fucking lighting, how does that even happen!?" he cried out, sitting up.

Sirius sighed, shaking his head lowly, "The fact that she's alive, James, tells us that she is going to make it." Sirius didn't quite believe himself, he had seen it too. It seemed surreal, how she fell from the broom, the lighting bolt seemed to be pushing her down until she was caught by the other players.

Everyone who was there ran down the pitch to make sure she was alive, and she was but her body was smoking and her hand that had the Snitch seemed to be scared by the lightning voltage. 

"What if—" James huffed, "what if she's seriously hurt and we didn't know. What if she can't talk, or she doesn't remember us. What if she doesn't recognize me?"

Sirius squeezed his shoulder, "You can't think like that. It'll kill you. We'll know when she wakes up. She will." Sirius said strongly when James tried to argue.

"Get some rest. You look like shit."

A few days shy of two weeks, James woke up from his power nap by low whines of pain. He bolted up and leaned over, her hands twitched and he grabbed it tightly.

"Hey, hey Valentina?" James said urgently. She continued to moan and pain and very faintly said that her head hurt. James quickly fetched Madam Pomfrey who was at her side in an instant.

He stood back, watching anxiously as the matron conducted a series of tests on his girlfriend to make sure she was okay.

When Pomfrey asked Valentina to raise her hands to see her motor skills, she saw her newly acquired scar and almost immediately started to cry.

fine line- J.Pजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें