chapter one

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put a price on emotion

VALENTINA MISSED HER FRIENDS. She had spent her whole summer with Aunt Lydia. She loved her aunt, and she had an amazing summer; painting, baking, visiting flea and farmer markets, going to the beach, and surfing.

But receiving letters from her friends didn't have the same feeling as being able to see her friends in person. Anyway, after saying goodbye to a teary-eyed aunt Lydia, Valentina made her way toward the train to find a compartment.

Settling down, she let out her cat Hyacinth, the kitty definitely had claustrophobia, he gave her what she assumed to be an appreciative meow. The fawn-colored Somali cat nestled himself between her arms and closed his eyes.

Valentina, who was waiting for Alice to show up, pulled out a book to entertain herself for the time being.

After a few minutes of struggling to read the book, Valentina huffed and closed it shut. Standing up to look for Alice herself, Valentina carried the sleeping cat like a baby and walked out of the compartment.

James was having a chaotic morning, he was already running late when he realized that he had forgotten his broomstick at home. Fleamont sent him an exasperated look and Apparated back home to grab it while James went and set his trunks down.

"I'm sorry. I was made Quidditch captain and I didn't even remember my broom." James said meekly when his dad showed up again.

"It's alright James, just don't lose your head."

"Right, right," James nodded his head, "I'll send you and mum a letter as soon as I can."

"Seen you during Christmas, kid. Go, you'll miss the train." Fleamont chuckled, pushing James away.

"Bye, Dad!" James waved and sighed when he lost sight of him. Walking down the corridor like muscle memory he was ready to see his friends, maybe even take a nap if they let him. Distracted by the thoughts of taking a nap he accidentally bumped into someone.

"Potter," Valentina said easily.


Valentina Hall was in the same year as him, she was best friends with Alice who was dating Frank off the Quidditch team. He's heard that she was as kind as they come. If he paid any attention to anyone other than Evans he would've known that they were quite compatible. But unfortunately for him, he didn't, so walking past her, he made it to his compartment.

"Good summer?" He asked pleasantly, turning back around.

Valentina bounced her cat slightly, causing James to look down at him. "He's yours? I've seen him in the common room." James chuckled, petting him gently with his free hand.

"Yeah, this is Hyacinth. My summer was good, how was yours?" She asked politely.

"It was nice, thanks."

Valentina smiled awkwardly, "You haven't seen Alice by any chance?"

"No, but if I see her I'll let her know there's a search party out." He smirked, standing up straight.

Valentina looked up a bit and nodded her head. "Thanks, see you later."


The two walked away in opposite directions, oblivious to what was to come.

On the first day of classes, the 6th-year Gryffindors had their first lesson with Professor McGonagall. It was a smaller bunch, which was not surprising now that they were N.E.W.T. students. Valentina was sitting in her usual seat next to Alice who was gushing about a plant that Frank had gotten her.

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