chapter eighteen

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my hand's at risk, i'll fold


Marriage. Marriage. Marriage.

Marry James Potter?

Marry... James Potter!

Mrs. Potter.

She cringed at that one.

She turned to James who was pale and distraught.

Did he mean it? Why is he freaking out? Does he take it back?


No answer.


"James!" He was startled by her yell, but she needed him to look at her. "James." She said much more softly. "Come in here." She suggested. He shook his head, and ran a shaky hand through his hair.

"Please, cariño, we need to talk." Valentina begged him. She wasn't upset or confused or surprised. She was oddly calm.

He sighed harshly and got into the bath with her, she waited for him to calm down. Hopefully he would say something before she did.

Her eyes were closed when he finally said, "I can't lie to you and say I don't mean it because I do. I didn't mean to say it right now but I do mean it."

She looked at him, he looked nervous beyond words. She had never seen him like this. Sitting up, she placed a hand on his shoulder, the other caressing his face gently.

"Talk to me. I'm not not fragile."

"I want to marry you. I do. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a year, I just do. I didn't mean to say it tonight, it was word vomit."

Valentina chuckled, "You have that sometimes, I ought to take you to a doctor soon."

He gave a sad smile. "Don't pull away."

Valentina frowned. "I would never. I'm working on it, I swear." She said strongly. "James, I'm not against getting married, that wasn't what had initially worried me. I just thought that we're still so young, we have more to learn from one another. There are things I want to tell you before we make a decision like that."

"I feel the same. I swear it was just word vomit." James said quickly.

Valentina leaned forward and kissed him gently. "I know." She said against his lips.

Summoning the bracelets from her bag, Valentina tied James around his wrist and instructed him to do the same to her. "You gave me my necklace as a token of your love and I give you this silly gift as a token of our commitment. How about we wear these until we're ready for the ring?"

James gave a small laugh and nodded. He stole a kiss before leaning back, considerably more relaxed.

"Will you ever show me your form?" She asked suddenly.

James shrugged. "I don't know, Val. It's pretty big."

"Amongst other things." She mused, a small smirk on her face. He splashed a bit of water at her to hide his pink dusted cheeks. "You don't have to but just know I really, really want to see. It's been eating at me!"

"Thank you for giving me a choice." He teased.

"I've been thinking about our Halloween costumes."

James found it endearing how quickly she changed topics. "What're you thinking, pretty girl?"

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