chapter seventeen

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you sunshine, you temptress

(smut chapter)

VALENTINA PRESSED HER HANDS AGAINST JAMES' SHOULDERS. She bit her lip harshly to keep her noises at bay. "James." She whispered, "James, I'm going to be late." She said through gasps.

James leaned back and looked up at her. "Do you really want to stop?" He smirked, knowing that she was close. Valentina looked down at him, her eyes glossy with desire but she was going to be late and she wanted to make a good impression on the girls.

"No, but I have to go." She sighed. She dropped her leg from his shoulder. He stood up and wiped his mouth, he gave her a smug look at the face she made.

He helped her fix her clothes and made sure her hair was flattened before they stepped out of the dorm. He kissed her cheek before running down the stairs, leaving her still frazzled.

"Hey." Alice smirked, as they met up in the hall. Her arms were full of sweets. Valentina snatched a sugar quill.

"Hey," she mumbled. "How did you get all this?"

"Frank sent them! I think he's feeling bad for being so busy at training and too much sugar is bad for me so I thought it'd be nice to share!" Alice said happily, there was a sort of pep in her step that made Valentina suspicious.

"Why are you so happy?"

Alice turned to her friend, "Why can't I be happy, Vally?"

Valentina narrowed her eyes, "What aren't you telling me?"

"I got into the Auror program." Alice burst.

Valentina gave an excited yelp at her friend's accomplishment. "Alice! Oh my god! Congratulations!" She wrapped her arms around her, the two girls jumped up and down in joy.

"I found out today at breakfast. McGonagall hand delivered the letter."

"What are you two doing?" Emmeline asked.

Valentina and Alice turned to her, "She's going to be an Auror!" Valentina said, pulling Emmeline into their arms.

Emmeline loosened herself and hugged Alice too. "Good job, Al." She said, patting her head. Alice displayed the sweets and Emmeline took a chocolate frog from her.

"So where is the picnic going to be?"


The three walked and not long after they saw Mary and her friends setting up.

"Hey, Mary." Alice said.

"Hey!" Mary said, "Okay, we're still setting up, but Marlene is going to be here soon with the food."

Mary caught sight of Emmeline and shared a look with Dorcas, Marlene was going to freak if she knew Emmeline was there.

"I brought sweets!" Alice said, dumping them in a small pile.

"God, the Slytherins were being insufferable as always, they kept hissing at me! If one of them so much as even spit on me I would've decked them all." Marlene said, walking up to them.

"Marlene." Dorcas shifted her eyes towards Emmeline and Valentina. Marlene's jaw dropped slightly, "Hi! Hi, I'm Marlene." She stuck her hand out towards them, but tripped slightly.

Valentina giggled and shook it, pushing Emmeline to do the same. "Hi."

"So, we have a tradition of bringing something for all of us to do, like an activity of some sort." Dorcas said, pulling out a bag of strings and beads and some booklets. "I don't know if you've guys ever done this, but we can make friendship bracelets!" She said excitedly.

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