chapter nine

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we'll be a fine line

(smut chapter)

VALENTINA FELT LIKE SHE WAS GOING TO DIE with the relentless sexual frustration. All she wanted was to have uninterrupted time with her boyfriend but it seemed like James' friends didn't quite understand what that meant.

Valentina's skin was ablaze. James's hands were on her hips, as he guided her through the smooth motion of grinding against one another. Their heavy make out session had turned hot and steamy quickly after a week of intense teasing from both ends. The two were ready to finish the game they had started.

Valentina moaned against him. Gripping onto him tightly so he wouldn't go anywhere, Valentina kissed him like there was no tomorrow. James was slightly amused at her desperation but knew better than to say anything. Just as she was about to start taking her clothes off the dorm door was thrown open.

Valentina let go of him immediately as the two looked at each other, she felt like she was going to die. Unwillingly she sobbed a bit in frustration. "James, please. I can't wait anymore." She whispered, sitting up in his lap.

James knew exactly what she felt. It seemed as a cold shower after every time they saw each other was his new torturous routine.

"James," Siris sang. Valentina glared at James and, dissatisfied, started to fix herself up. With one last pouty look she opened up the curtains forcefully startled Sirius slightly at the sight of the two.

"You better count your fucking days Sirius Black." Valentina muttered, pushing past him, with a blink of an eye she was down the stairs.

"Good to see you too, Hall!" He called out cheekily. He turned back to James who looked up at the ceiling wondering if he could redirect his bloodstream. "What is with her?" He scoffed, shaking his head slightly amused.

"Shut up, Sirius." James said, covering his face with a pillow.

"Oh, excuse me!" Sirius gasped, offended, "I came to find you to see if you wanted to run a Quidditch practice now that it isn't raining anymore."

James gave him a deadpan look. "I put the sock on the door, why can't you leave us alone for at least an hour, Pads."

"There was no sock—" Sirius turned to look at the door for support but there it was, hanging on the doorknob. "Oh..."

James gave him a look and stood up, now feeling normal again. "Let's go." James said, getting his Quidditch gear dragging Sirius with him.

"I'm so sorry!" Sirius said, as they continued to walk down to the pitch.

"Let it go Sirius." James repeated for what felt the millionth time.

"I mean you guys are dating obviously you want to have sex. You have two hands, you know that, mate."

"Yes I know!" James cried out. "I know."

"Right... well next time just let me know when you want to get in her pants and I'll make Peter and Remus sleep downstairs with me."

James wrinkled his nose at the expression. "It just happens, next time look at the damn sock!"

"I need your advice." Sirius said wanting to change the subject.

"What's up?" They were now in the locker room, the rest of the team slowly trickling in.

"I think I'm ready to ask you... you-know-who out." Sirius said quietly, looking around.

fine line- J.PWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt