chapter eight

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so i'll get to think of her

"ALICE!" Valentina squealed, running up to her best friend, who met her half way.

"Vally! I've missed you!" The two girls squealed excitedly on the platform, ready to board the train now that holidays were over.

"I have so much to tell you." Valentina emphasized. The two girls said goodbye to their families, Aunt Lydia clinging onto Valentina.

"I'm so sorry that your break wasn't what you had imagined," Lydia said, guilt in her tone.

Valentina sighed and gave her aunt a tight hug, "It's okay, I'm not mad at you, Tia. I know you need your sister too." She whispered, forgiving her aunt silently. "I'll see you when I get back then maybe we'll go to the beach. You can paint and I'll surf and everything will be okay again."

Lydia let her go and brushed the hair out of her face. She had spotted someone behind her, and smirked, "I have to be honest, he's much more handsome than Leo."

Valentina furrowed her eyebrows and turned around to see James with his friends continuously sparing glaces at her. Valentina blushed and gave him a bashful smile turning back around. "He is, isn't he?" She laughed, kissing her aunt goodbye and boarding the train.

"What did you want to tell me?" Alice asked, now that the two were settled down in their usual compartment.

"So, I met with James during break and he asked me out!" Valnetina said, unable to keep her smile hidden.

"You bitch!" Alice laughed, "Oh my god! How? When?! Why didn't you call me!"

"Okay so, parents came back–"


"Yes! It was so awful so while you were with Frank I was upset about them being there so we met up a couple days later and it was so... it was so out of the blue, Alice. Like there really isn't anything to tell other than we were watching the carolers and then we kissed, I told him I wasn't sure if I was ready for a relationship and then he was so understanding that it made me pause and think.
    I will always have an excuse to not let myself get what I want so I decided that I feel really happy and carefree with him. And I really like that feeling."

Alice smiled softly at the brunette, never having seen such a soft side on Valentina. "I'm really happy for you, Valley. But you do know what I have to do now don't you?" She said seriously.

Valentina rolled her eyes, "Don't scare him off, please." Knowing that Alice was talking about the best friend conversation.

"Of course not, but I have to threaten him a little bit." She shrugged. "Should I go now?" She smiled wickedly.

"Alice..." Valentina laughed a bit, taking Hyacinth out of his carrier. The cat purred loudly in her arms.

"I think the cat agrees with me," Alice pointed out, ignoring Valentina's protest the two left their compartment and ventured out to find James.

They passed rows upon rows until finally, the boys' loud laughter and chatter caught their ears.

Valentina held onto her cat tightly, as Alice fixed herself. Straightening her back she knocked on the door catching their attention.

"Hello," she said pleasantly, looking at all four of them who stopped doing whatever it was.

Valentina looked around noticing the mess they had. Wrappers littered the floor. Sirius had his feet in Remus's lap who had a large chunk of chocolate in his hand. Peter and James were sitting besides each other fighting over a game of exploding snaps.

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