chapter six

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and i don't want to sleep in the dirt

"HOLA MY AMOR!" Aunt Lydia said excitedly, once Valentina approached her when they arrived at the platform.

"Hi, Tia!" Valentina said, throwing her arms around the women, so glad to see her.

"How have you been," Lydia asked, playing with Valentina's hair that had grown significantly since the last time she saw her.

"Estaba bien, hice un amigo nuevo, se llama James."

"Oh si? Y Leo?"

"We broke up," Valentina said, not feeling any sort of pain at the statement. Her aunt looked a bit surprised but just smiled, happy to see her niece again.

"Let's go home, hm?"

The two set out, a long car ride awaiting them.

As soon as Valentina got home she immediately walked into her room and jumped into her bed, her big queen sized bed that had a comfortable mattress and soft pillows. Sighing deeply, she felt her body relax, knowing that she wouldn't have to deal with school or people.

"Y me vas a contar de tu nuevo amigo o tengo que adivinar?" Lydia said from the door frame.

Valentina sat up and patted the bed so her aunt could sit with her. "No se, he's... really nice." She smiled softly thinking about the hyperactive Gryffindor.

"Is he just a friend?"

"Yeah, es que— I just," she sighed harshly through her nose, "I just broke up with Leo, I don't want to start anything that I'm not ready for."

"That's understandable Teeny. Take some time for yourself."

"Exactly what I was thinking," Valentina smiled sadly.

"Hay cariño, no te pongas triste. Es navidad!" Lydia stood up, and dragged Valentina with her, most likely to start baking their annual Christmas cookies.

"James, how's school going?" Euphemia asked during dinner.

"It's going well. Quidditch has been rough." He said plainly.

"And— with Lily? Anything new going on with that?"

James looked at her mum, she looked curious, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"No mum, that's—" he shook his head, "That's done with." He muttered.

"Oh, I'm sorry, love." She said sympathetically.

"Don't worry about it, I don't have time for it anyway. N.E.W.T.s this year."

"Everyone has a little time for romance James. It's what keeps us alive." Fleamont said, now joined the conversation.


"James, let yourself love. It's scary, and you will get hurt but why does any of that matter when you feel loved? When you have been loved." Fleamont said passionately.

"I made a new friend." James said, trying to change the subject.


"Yeah, her name's Valentina. We met because Professor McGanogall made us partners. She's really... she's very real. I— people wear masks, y'know to blend in, to fit in. She isn't like that, she's very raw. It's so intimidating." He shook, even thinking of her made his head hurt.

"Well we would love to meet her someday," Euphemia said kindly, giving her son a soft smile while she and Fleamont shared a glance.

"Maybe." James shrugged, playing with his food.

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