chapter sixteen

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there's things that we'll never know


"Yeah." James said honestly, "I'm coming home for Christmas this year." Fleamont smiled and put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm glad. We have to celebrate, especially with Sirius."

Sirius on his other side who had his eyes locked on Regulus who was standing a few paces away from them. "Sorry?" he asked, looking at them.

"We're coming home for Christmas." James told him. Sirius looked at James needing reassurance that it would be okay. James gave a subtle nod and picked his trunk up.

"James?" Fleamont called him, before he walked away. "I'm very proud of you for making Head Boy. It's a high achievement son."

James gave an awkward smile and said goodbye to his father and dragged Sirius along with him.

"Did you see him?"

"See who?" James asked, weaving through the crowd.

"Regulus," Sirius whispered, looking back to where his parents and little brother were standing.

"No I didn't. Hey, did he ever write you back?"

Sirius had taken up Valentina's advice about sending the postcard to his little brother and he had totally convinced himself that Regulus would send it back, but he never received it. . "Uh, no," Sirius coughed, "but it's okay, I didn't expect him to."


They two walked faster towards Valentina who ran towards them, throwing her arms around her boyfriend. James caught her and let her pamper kisses all over his face.

"You act like you haven't seen each other." Sirius rolled his eyes, but he didn't hear Valentina's reply, he had spotted Remus and grinned.

"Hi," James grinned.

"I have a new tattoo!" Valentina bursted. "I got it a few days after you left and I wanted to call you and tell you but I wanted to see your reaction first!"

She showed him her new dragonfly tattoo. "It's–it's for Alice. They're her favorite." Valentina said softly, "Do you think she'll like it?"

"I think she'll love it." James said honestly. He grabbed her trunk for her and the two walked into the train. "Did it hurt?"

"Not really. How was the rest of your break?"

"I um, I got Head Boy." James scratched his head awkwardly.

Valentina's eyes widened in surprise, "Wow! James, that's great!"

"Really?" He asked nervously, "I wasn't even a Prefect, I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

She placed a hand on his arm, she looked at him kindly, his eyes shining with worry, "I'm sure you'll be great. Do you know who Head Girl is?"

"No," he shook his head with a sigh. He put her trunk in her usual compartment and let her drag her hand through his hair.

"Kind of silly isn't it?"

"What is?"

"Well you being James Potter, all time prankster turned to... a good boy with authority." She gave a small laugh. James rolled his eyes. "Maybe Dumbledore's lost his mind a bit."

"Maybe," she shrugged. "You have to let me know who Head Girl is, okay?"

"Sure, I know how much you like to gossip."

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