chapter fourteen

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we'll be a fine line


This time Harry didn't protest instead he yawned wildly. "What did you get her?" He mumbled, cuddling into the bed, his eyes drooping with sleep.

James sighed, thinking about the gift his seventeen year old self gave to his girlfriend.

"I gave her a promise. I promised that I would love her forever." James told him.

"I think that's a good promise." Harry whispered, his eyes closed, seconds away from sleeping.

James gave him a small smile and kissed the little boy's temple. "Good night, bug."

"Val?" James stepped out of the crowded house, looking for her.


"What are you doing out here?" He asked, walking over. He sat beside her on the step.

"I needed some fresh air."

He sighed, breathing in the fresh summer air. "Summer reminds me of you. The fresh, salt air. The slight breeze at night. Just all of it. I love summer and it reminds me of you." James said.

Valentina turned to look at him.

"Do you know how overwhelming that feels?" James scoffed slightly. "I know you told me to stop making promises, but Valentina, I promise you, I will care for you, and choose you for as long as you let me. I don't want you to ever doubt my loyalty to you."

Valentina bowed her head, letting her hair cover her face. She needed a shield, she felt so exposed and raw, it was an undesirable feeling.

"She ruined my birthday. Why would she do that?" Valentina wept, covering her face. Her whole body shook with devastation.

James felt his heart ache. Shuffling closer, he wrapped his arms around her tightly and Valentina felt her walls crumble. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she wanted to be fully encompassed by him. She moved onto his lap, calming herself down with his steady breathing.

"I don't know, love." He told her softly, tucking her hair behind her ear.  "I got you something." He moved slightly to get the gift out of his pocket. He opened the box and presented her with a beautiful necklace. It was adorned with small pearls, a sacred heart in the center.

Valentina let out a small gasp, sitting up straight. She grabbed the box and brought it closer so she could appreciate its whole beauty. "It's so beautiful, James." She pampered his cheek with small kisses in appreciation.

"It goes along with my promise," He told her, grabbing the necklace while she held her hair up, "It's your reminder of my feelings for you." He finished clasping the necklace. He held her face in her hands, gazing at her gently, she gave him a small smile.

"It looks like your ring," she pointed out, holding his ringed finger.

"Believe it or not, that wasn't intentional." He chuckled.

Valentina laid her head on his shoulder, she yawned, completely exhausted. "Alice said we can crash here tonight. Are you staying too?"

"I think that's best." James sighed, thinking about his friends who he passed on his way outside.

"Thanks for making me feel better." Valentina played with the necklace.

James nodded but he couldn't help but notice that she hadn't said anything about his dedication speech, and just as he was beginning to panic that he had gone too far, Valentina continued to talk.

fine line- J.PWhere stories live. Discover now