FORTY-NINE | year 6

Start from the beginning

As the castle echoed with laughter and merriment, Cassiopeia found herself drawn to the window, watching as snowflakes danced in the moonlight. She longed to be with Harry, to hold him close and whisper the truth in his ear. But she knew she couldn't.

With a heavy sigh, Cassiopeia turned away from the window, returning to her solitary task. Love, loyalty, and the darkness that lurked within intertwined as she navigated the treacherous path laid before her. Only time would tell if her sacrifices would be enough to protect those she held dear.

Cassiopeia's nights were haunted by nightmares, her sleep plagued by visions of darkness and despair. As a seer, glimpses of the future had always been a burden, but now they felt like a curse, twisting her mind with fear and uncertainty.

In the dimly lit Room of Requirement, Cassiopeia worked tirelessly on the Vanishing Cabinet, her hands trembling with frustration. Each attempt to mend its broken pieces felt futile, as if the darkness within the cabinet mirrored the turmoil in her own soul. Her hand always gripping her wand, or a book.

Draco stood beside her, his expression equally troubled. With each passing day, Cassiopeia's patience wore thin, her resolve tested by the weight of her secrets.

"Have you had any luck with Borgin?" Draco's voice broke the tense silence, his eyes searching hers for reassurance. This was the first time he spoke to her.

Cassiopeia shook her head, her frustration mounting, though she did not look at him. "Nothing. He promised to teach me the ways to mend the cabinet, but all I've received are empty promises."

Draco clenched his fists, his jaw set with determination. "We can't afford to wait any longer. The longer the cabinet remains broken, the greater the risk to everyone."

Cassiopeia nodded, her gaze fixed on the cabinet before them. As the days passed, Cassiopeia's nightmares grew more vivid, each vision more haunting than the last. She saw flashes of darkness and destruction, whispers of a future she couldn't escape. The weight of her knowledge threatened to crush her, leaving her gasping for air in the suffocating embrace of fate.

As Cassiopeia and Draco continued their clandestine efforts to mend the Vanishing Cabinet, tensions simmered beneath the surface, threatening to boil over at any moment. While their shared goal united them, the darkness that lurked within Draco's heart cast a shadow of doubt over their fragile alliance.

One evening, as they pored over ancient tomes in the Room of Requirement, Draco unveiled a plan that sent a chill down Cassiopeia's spine. His eyes glinted with a cold determination as he outlined his scheme, each word dripping with venomous intent.

"We must strike at Dumbledore," Draco declared, his voice laced with malice. "And Slughorn is stupid enough to trick"

Cassiopeia's heart clenched at the mention of poisoning, her stomach turning at the thought of such treachery. She frowned, her gaze fixed on her brother, but she couldn't find the words to voice her dissent.

Draco's lips curled into a cruel smile as he continued, oblivious to Cassiopeia's inner turmoil. "Madam Rosmerta will deliver the poisoned mead to Slughorn, who will undoubtedly offer it to Dumbledore as a Christmas gift. And then...our problem will be solved."

Cassiopeia's mind raced with conflicting emotions, torn between loyalty to her brother and the knowledge of right and wrong. She knew the consequences of their actions could be dire, yet she hesitated to defy Draco, fearing the repercussions of her dissent.

"Do whatever you want, Draco," she huffed. "It's a stupid plan."

As Draco's plan took shape, Cassiopeia found herself consumed by guilt and doubt. But before she could muster the courage to speak out, Draco had already set his scheme into motion, leaving her to grapple with the consequences of their actions. But then again, Dumbledore told her to kill him when the time comes. But she didn't have this in mind.


Amidst the turmoil of dark secrets and treacherous plans, a glimmer of light found its way into Cassiopeia's world in the form of a small, unassuming house-elf named Dobby. With his oversized ears and earnest demeanor, Dobby brought a sense of warmth and companionship that Cassiopeia had sorely missed.

One snowy afternoon, as Cassiopeia sat alone in the Room of Requirement, Dobby appeared with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a bundle of fabric clutched in his tiny hands. "Miss Cassiopeia, Dobby has a present for you!"

Cassiopeia's heart swelled with gratitude as she unwrapped the gift, revealing a cozy sweater knitted with care and affection. Tears pricked her eyes as she pulled the garment over her head, feeling the warmth of Dobby's kindness envelop her like a comforting embrace.

"Thank you, Dobby," Cassiopeia whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "It's perfect."

Dobby beamed with pride, his mismatched eyes shining with joy. "Dobby is happy to see Miss Cassiopeia smile. But Dobby also notices...something is not right with Master Draco again."

Cassiopeia's smile faltered at Dobby's words, a knot of worry tightening in her chest. She had hoped to shield Dobby from the darkness that plagued their world, but it seemed even he couldn't escape its reach.

"Don't worry, Dobby," Cassiopeia said, forcing a note of reassurance into her voice. "I'll take care of it. Thank you for looking out for me."

As Dobby disappeared with a snap of his fingers, Cassiopeia's thoughts turned to the letter she had received from Borgin earlier that day. Her heart quickened with anticipation as she read his words, promising the final steps needed to complete the Vanishing Cabinet's repair.

With renewed determination, Cassiopeia set to work, her fingers moving with purpose as she followed Borgin's instructions to the letter. Each incantation and rune felt like a step closer to victory, a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to engulf them all.

look at me updating instead of reviewing for my exams 😜 anyway, hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapterrr!!

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