Chapter 41

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As the court case loomed over us, our nerves were stretched thin like tautly pulled ropes, ready to snap at any moment. Riley, charged with a crime and pleading not guilty, hung over our heads like a dark cloud waiting to burst. Despite Bailey's efforts to keep us updated, there was little information to be had until the fateful letter arrived - October 10th, the day of reckoning.

Months had passed since that awful night and the date on the letter seared into my brain like a hot iron. A week left until I would have to face him  in court. Riley was still not allowed on school premises, which was good, and Owen's suspension had ended, which was even better.

Bailey had mentioned CCTV footage showing me running from Riley and his car driving away, but beyond that, the digital evidence gathered from our smartphones was ambiguous at best. Riley had sent threatening messages, but cleverly avoided mentioning what had actually happened that night. Bailey wanted to speak with me and my parents this week about some news she promised was positive.

Despite the impending court case, life at school had settled down. Even Cassie had given up her death stares and moved on to her next victim. Poor guy.

Under my favourite tree sat my friends and I, laughing and joking as if we didn't have a care in the world. Owen absentmindedly twirled a lock of my hair as I rested my head in his lap.

"You know we're coming to court", Charlotte said supportively.

"I'm so nervous", I admitted, my thoughts consumed with doubt and fear. "What if they don't believe me?"

Owen leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose gently. "They will", he reassured me with confidence. "They'll see right through him".

Sitting up against the rough bark of the tree, I sighed. "But we didn't, did we? He had us fooled for years. Pretending to be our friend all this time, when really, he was just waiting for an opportunity. And he's done this before..." My words trailed off, swallowed by the weight of anguish.

We sat in silence, each lost in our own thoughts until Charlotte broke the stillness with a burst of enthusiasm. She had an idea.

"You need to speak to the other girl Riley attacked", she exclaimed without hesitation. "Get her to testify. How could they not convict him when you both stand there and tell them what he's done to you?"

Owen and I exchanged sceptical looks. While I appreciated her help and determination, it wasn't that simple. The other girl had dropped her charges - there was no way she would want me dragging everything up again.

"Thanks, Charlotte, but I don't think that's a good idea", I said gratefully but firmly.

She nodded understandingly, but I could see she still believed it was the solution. With both Charlotte and Owen busy after school, I boarded the bus home alone, my mind buzzing with conflicting thoughts and emotions.

The sky was an ominous shade of dark grey, threatening to unleash a torrent of rain at any moment. The air was heavy with the smell of damp earth. As I made my way home, the darkness seemed to creep closer around me, urging me to move faster.

The streets were quiet, with only a few people braving the murky weather. As I passed a parked car with its bright beams on, a sense of familiarity washed over me. But before I could place it, my attention was drawn to the queue inside the fish and chip shop. As I waited in line, absentmindedly gazing through the misted window, my eyes caught sight of the same car from earlier. My heart raced as I saw the personalized license plate - it was definitely following me.

Trying to calm myself down, I reasoned that it was probably just a coincidence. But with my court date looming ahead, every little thing put me on edge.

After paying for my food and pulling my hood up against the drizzle, I scanned my surroundings for the car. It had disappeared.

Come on Everly, get a grip.

The rain beat down with heavy droplets. I crossed the road as the rain gurgled into the drains. I heard a screech as a car sped up towards me. I scrambled to reach the safety of the other side when it stopped just short of a metre from me.

"What are you doing, you..." My voice trailed off. The car was the same car. My arms were prickling with goosebumps, and a shiver ran through my body. My entire being told me to run, run home now. I listened and began tearing down the street as fast as I could, hearing the car revving up behind me.

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