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My anxiety spiked as I entered the building but I needed to do this for myself.

Cade and I have been basically living together for the past month and a half since our impromptu visit to his parents home.  We video chat with his folks and Gran a couple times a week, though I spent a longer time talking to Jason a few nights ago when I tried making manicotti and needed his backup when the filling wasn't fluffy enough.

It was worth it in the end. The finished dish was incredible and Cade was thrilled.

He has been insanely busy at the gym with new clients and a few classes he took over teaching. Of course he's home with me by 9 or so but I felt a lack of connection that was starting to make me paranoid. We have a great routine and I mastered a few new recipes that fit into his dietary needs but there are plenty of times where we barely get through dinner before he is dozing off.

We spent a few nights at his apartment so I could help him pack but my place has quickly become ours. It's bigger, brighter, and Cade was happy to be closer to work, as well. Instead of driving, he was more able to walk or jog to the gym. I made sure we had the groceries needed for his lunches and frequently found a salad or wrap in the fridge with a post it that had my name and a heart or silly drawing on it.

Cade keeps trying to sketch a koala but it never works. His attempts are hilarious, though, to both of us. I was almost positive he failed on purpose just to see my reaction.

Blake and I text daily and even the twins jump into a "Cool Kids" group chat that she started so we can trash talk and be stupid. Chase loves niche memes that Gabe never understands which made the rest of us laugh harder than it should. The other day I told Gabe to "JFGI" and his insistence that I tell him what that meant had us howling. Blake sent a 2 minute long voice note of her cackling before finally saying, "Just fucking Google it, Gabe." He then got more annoyed that we weren't answering him.

It was incredible. Chase, Blake, Cade, and I had a video call right after where we cried laughing at the entire situation.

We got spoiled on our visit to his family home where we finally connected. Working from home was still a great fit for me but after having so much time with Cade it felt disjointed that he was so busy now. I still know he would never intentionally hurt me and trust the man I love, but decided a bit of extra effort would pay off for both of us.

Showing up to his gym like this on a random Friday will be a shock. He has invited me a few times in the past but since I like running first thing in the morning when he's busy with clients I've stayed away. The small workout room at my apartment building has a treadmill and is never busy in the mornings after he leaves so it's been great to stay active while working remotely. The timing is also perfect since I can have laundry going while I run, multitasking to make the most of my time away from our hermit hole.

After getting checked in I tucked my things into a locker and noticed a text from Cade on my phone.

CADE: Today can be over now.  I'm so tired of entitled clients.  Hope your work is going smoothly.  Travel vlogger catchup time tonight?

Instead of replying I got my AirPods set and found a treadmill then started my normal stretching routine. While I got my workout started I looked around the gym and finally saw him.

Cade was in a black workout shirt and basketball shorts but looked angry.  He was in a heated discussion with another trainer and while I wanted to give him space something told me this was a time where he needed me.

I grabbed my stuff and approached, hearing pieces of the conversation as I grew closer.

"I swear to God, Axel, if you make me work with that bitch again..."

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