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"I hate this," I groaned to Eddie while we waited on my brother to try on yet another suit at the mall.

He nodded, "Not sure it's fun for any of us but at least this way you don't have to go home before the visitation and funeral.  All of us can stay at the big house and try to find pockets of joy, like Margot says."

I let out a dramatic sigh and grabbed three dress shirts in the Big and Tall department while Chase left a changing room in a black suit and rolled his eyes at me.


"Because it's what Gran would have wanted," I reminded him gently.

He groaned just like I had a moment prior and went back into the dressing room area while I chose both a black and a gray suit coat with pants. Eddie ran to his apartment for dress clothes and a few necessities on but had been staying at the house since Saturday when we first met him.  Chase and I didn't own anything appropriate that fit us at this time so we made a shopping trip so Margot and Blake could grabbed new dresses, as well.

"The girls are done and will meet us when we're ready," Eddie said with a grin.  "Told her we would just text and let them know."

"How did they choose so fast?" I asked, shaking my head as I found dress socks then a pair of nice black shoes that would work for both outfits I was putting together.

He shrugged, "Blake loves to shop but from what she has said, Margot hates it.  Also, Chase is indecisive."

"Fair points.  Clothes shopping is something my girl will always hate," I chuckled. "She would rather walk on hot coals than be at a busy shopping mall.  I am sure they checked online and knew what sizes to get so they could breeze through fast."

We finally made our purchases and met Blake and Margot as they were leaving Victoria's Secret. Eddie and I shared a smirk while the girls rolled their eyes at us. After debating what to do for dinner we decided on just ordering Chinese food and picking it up on the way home.  Mom and Dad were taking some time to relax while we were out so this was the easiest choice.  Margot insisted on covering the tab this time while Chase was doing his best to be the comic relief we all needed.

I appreciated my brothers sense of humor more than ever these last few days.

The basement theater room has been our safe haven. Gabe and Jocelyn were not around much but the rest of us started marathoning "Parks and Recreation" and random movies. Margot got some work done while we relaxed, though I was on thin ice at the gym for insisting I would be gone for at least a week and a half.

I don't care if they fire me. After seeing how little they respect my boundaries it would not be a big deal. I thankfully have money saved and was playing around more with the nutrition plan and training business idea Margot mentioned awhile ago.

The fact that I could start my own company as a personal trainer that also handles one on one diet counseling is enticing.  Getting some business organization in place would not hurt anything so I started research on Monday once the dust settled around the house.  Part of me wanted to take the leap of faith and try something new but for the moment it was best to just make plans so I'm ready.

Margot was happy in her job and makes great money, especially considering how simple her life is. She has plenty saved and when we had a budgeting discussion before moving in together offered to help fund my company if I decided to go that direction, as well.  My savings is a lot more sparse after years shooting money up my arm or drinking it at bars, but I've taken Margot's approach to enjoy life while saving most of what I make.

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