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"How is Gran doing?" I asked Chase once Margot went to the bathroom.

I don't like him flirting with my girl.

She's not technically my girl but may as well consider that the case.

My older brothers have always gotten any woman they want.  Jocelyn dated Gabe briefly then connected with me months later.  We only realized it when she came to a family cookout and everything became awkward. Chase has never been quite as bad as Gabe, but I'm not an idiot. Margot is beautiful and any guy would be lucky to have just a piece of her in their lives.

Chase let out a sigh and shook his head, "It's just hard.  This is killing Mom and Dad.  I mean, she's been in Mom's life since college when she met Dad so this is painful for everyone. It's good that Blake can do a lot of her Master's coursework from home. She's here more than at college most of the time."

"Margot made the comment that it's like losing a parent and not a grandparent since Gran was around so much," I shared.

He smiled, "Yeah, she's right.  Hey, so how did you two meet?  She's not really your type, is she?"

The way he spoke immediately made me sit up straighter.

Chase caught on and chuckled, backing up slightly with his hands raised.  "Sorry, man, but you know what I mean.  She's like the bookworm type and you usually go for the athletes."

I smirked, knowing that Margot is way more athletic than Chase may ever realize.  She was wearing leggings and an oversized hoodie when we arrived.  He has no idea.

"You know I don't believe anyone has a type.  You just meet someone and hopefully connect beyond just being attracted to them."

He smirked, "Gotcha.  Noted.  I will steer clear but you will have to watch out for Gabe."

The bathroom door opened and Chase turned around, moving over so he was no longer blocking the door.  Margot rejoined us in her glasses, brown hair tied back in a messy bun while she wore an oversized long sleeved shirt with sleep shorts.


I have seen photos of her at the lake in a bikini but knowing I will sleep next to the woman I'm falling in love with is intense.

Chase raised his eyebrows at me before checking out her ass when she bent over to tuck her toiletry case back in her duffel bag.  After grabbing her phone charger she sat on the other side of the bed and plugged in her phone.

"Well, I should let you guys get some sleep," Chase said, stretching his arms over his head then hanging from the door frame. "We are planning to head to the grocery store tomorrow so we can stock up on stuff for meals. If there is anything you want us to make sure we have on hand just let me know."

Margot turned and smiled sweetly, "I am an early bird so will probably be ready to help make a list before Cade wakes up. Goodnight, Chase."

I waved as he left the room and shut the door behind him.

She seemed hesitant but finally spoke, her voice quiet.  "Cade?  I forgot to grab my meds but can take them in the bathroom if that's something that could be a trigger for you."

The words could be taken wrong if from anyone else but her sweet expression and obvious concern melted my heart.

"It won't be a problem either way," I reassured, my heart thudding in my chest every time she shows me so much care.  "I have to take mine, too."

Margot smirked, "Antidepressants?"

I nodded, "Yep.  You, too?"

"That plus migraine meds since those happen when I stare at the computer too long.  I have anti anxiety meds I can take as needed but try not to as much as possible."  She grabbed the prescription bottle and took her meds while I did the same, washing them down with the water bottle she picked up for me at the gas station.

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