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"The chili smells so good.  This was a great idea, Margot!"  Jason said with a grin as we started dishing out food for lunch.

Gran was just as wonderful as Cade made her seem.  The sweet woman insisted on sitting next to me and had the same infectious energy as my ... uhh...

I don't even know what to consider Cade.

This is not just a friendship, that much is clear.  I may have said labels aren't necessary but now that I've spent some time with his family it seems like maybe it would be helpful.

Blake was a godsend in the kitchen as we cranked out 6 pumpkin pies as well as got potatoes in the oven for our lunch.  I can see why she has always been closer to Cade than the twins.  They're a bit rough around the edges but I was relieved everyone had been so nice.

Hannah is exactly what I always imagined a Mother would be.  She's kind, loving, encouraging, and has so much excitement when her kids are just back home at their nest. The way Hannah moved around her home, easily fetching ingredients or setting the table, was dance-like. Jason was affectionate in a similar way to Cade, constantly tugging his wife in for a hug or kissing the top of her head.

"Oh, Jason..." she would say with a warmth that made me believe this was real.

A happy family that has dealt with their fair share of issues and would continue to deal with more struggles really can stay strong.

I grabbed the sour cream and added some to my potato and chili, then passed it over to Cade.  He gave me a wide grin that made my stomach flip.

How am I supposed to eat when this man is so close to me??

This can't be real.

We slipped into easy conversation about the weather and how work or school is going for everyone.  Blake was getting her Master's in Psychology which was amazing to hear.  She seems perceptive and kind, especially with her brothers.  Gabe was finishing up law school and works as a paralegal alongside Jason at the practice he leads while Chase teaches Math at the public high school.

I could understand how this family was so close.  Listening to their banter and hearing stories of when they were little kids warmed my heart.  Hannah shared about how much fun they had on Christmas each year as the kids camped out in the living room.  The twins apparently liked opening presents early then trying to re-wrap them but their parents always knew.

The chili turned out delicious, thankfully, and since the twins volunteered to handle dishes before we had pie I was able to sit back and relax a bit.

"So, Margot and Cade, how did you two meet?" Gran asked, still nibbling on her baked potato while we visited.

I turned to Cade and he chuckled, "Gran, we met on a dating app."

"No, that can't be.  Neither of you need to be on one of those," she dismissed with a wave of her hand.

"It's the truth, though.  I have a hard time meeting new people with my job and am not that social so figured online dating would help me get out of my shell," I shared.

Gran gave me a long look and shook her head, "But you're such a beautiful and sweet girl, Margot.  How in the world are you still single?"

Cade laughed and slipped his arm behind my back.  "Just means it's even more impressive that I had a shot with her."

I chuckled along as we continued chatting but felt the discomfort inside myself grow.

They're just being kind, right?

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