How To Journal - Easy Way For Beginners in 2024

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I have come to a realization we live in a world today where everything seems to be systematized. We love to structure things. Create 10 steps for this, for that and for everything else. But we tend to forget this:

In life there are things that are really simple. Just like journaling. Let's not make this complicated!

I am sharing with you a habit that healed my life truly. Here are hacks that worked really well for me.

A lot of journaling is just about DOING IT. (Don't overthink it. Just execute)

"Just do it. Just start writing and eventually you would find your niche and gist to it."

Journaling is so personal.Once you start writing eventually you would want to go deeper.Because now you are already reaping the benefit of journaling.Once you are at this phase automatically you would start separating and specializing your journals into each category of your life.For instance: gratitude journal, goals journal, to-do journal, affirmation journal, night journal, feelings journal & etc.

What you are doing here is you are giving each area of your life its own space to flourish, to grow, to wilt and to rise again. This opens you up to room of possibilities, opportunities and creativity which all derives from one single habit that you choose to begin.

Try it out and remember you can only reap the benefit of any habit/skill/action when you do it consistently with a strong belief of yours. A lot of success is just about doing it repeatedly over a period of time.

Yours, Asrajjit Kaur

How To Journal - Easy Way For Beginners in 2024Where stories live. Discover now