This isn't a fucking dating site.

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I let myself in through the front door walking in suspiciously, it was awfully quiet, it was never quiet in Beet's house, her side kick was almost always here and he was noisy and talkative. I couldn't say she wasn't home because I called her before this and she said I could come to her place. So, I didn't understand why it was all dark and quiet, it was almost noon for fuck sake she couldn't still be asleep. 

Look at me being a hypocrite.

I scoff at my own trail of thoughts and walk to her bedroom, before gently knocking. Since Nik told me about the 'lead his crack heads' thing, I've been thinking a lot and honestly the only person who can help me know how things go is Beet. She's the only person I talk to here.

"Bon ?" I hear her low dreamy voice from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, is everything okay ?". Maybe she was sick considering the last time I saw her, we had just been beaten up and she didn't look so good.

"Sure, come in". Without another thought, I twist the door knob and push the door open only to be put in a very awkward position. There she was eyes closed, head thrown back with some girl's head buried in her neck, her hand holding on to the girl by the hair, her silver rings sparkling in the dark strands of whoever she decided to give me a show with. 

I stand there and lean against the door scoffing to myself as I watch her open her doll eyes and smile in this weird teasing way. "Top of the morning to you beautiful" she waves her eyebrows at me and I smile to myself as the chick she was with raises her head and looks at me, her eyebrows raised.

"Top of the morning to you, I thought I could come and you weren't busy" I cross my arms over my chest looking from her to the girl who is now eyeing me as if she knows me.

"I'm not busy" she says as the girl sits up taking the sheet along with her to cover her naked body.

"You're the boss' daughter aren't you ?" Beet's friend smiles at me standing up while holding the sheet with one of her hands. I nod my response managing the closest thing I can to a smile. See this moment wasn't as awkward as it should because I didn't expect any less from Beet. She was definitely the type to invite me in her room while getting it on with some girl. "You can call me Phin" she smiles wider at me. She had an adorable childish smile.

"Phenomenon" Beet groans out of nowhere getting the so called Phin to laugh.

"Shut the fuck up" she turns to look at Beet then looks back at me "See you around" she nods before walking out dragging the long sheet on the floor.

"Dude, I thought it goes without saying that you can't invite me to your place when you're-".

"Oh cammon that was nothing" she interrupts me mid-sentence "It would have been something if you were the one in my bed instead" she waves her eyebrows at me and I scoff. Bullshit.

"We both know I'd be the same as everyone else you've fucked-". She interrupts me again but not with words, she steps out of bed half naked with only what seems to be buggy, black, silky shorts. My eyes widen a bit as they trail her pale skin and well sculpted body. Holy fu-

"Whatever you say Bon" she winks at me and turns away, leaving her flawless, perfect for her body, masculine back for view. I watch quietly as she pulls on a sports bra then looks back at me.  "So what do you need sweet heart ?". Uhh huh.


"Wow, so you really are in charge" Beet scoffs a laugh and I look to my side at her.

"Seems so, how hard can it be to lead a bunch of crack heads ?". Nik was wrong about something as usual, Beet wasn't like me with how she handled her one-night stands, first she brought them to her place, she was friends with them and kind of respected them. I mean at the moment we were outside walking to the warehouse because she wanted to give Phin some privacy to shower and change. She trusted the girl in her house ! Damn.

Mistakes Unveiled (LMM Sequel)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu