Hope she's dead in a ditch somewhere.

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                                                       AUSTIN'S POV. 

I stretch my hand to the night stand next to me, unable to open my eyes or even feel half my body, who the hell calls someone in the morning? I press the phone to my ear and huff.

"Get up bitch, do you know what time it is?". I immediately smile when I hear the voice.

"Nine" I groan.

"How's my bitch boy doing?" she chuckles and I smile wider, it's been days since she's been in touch and it worries me when even a day goes by. So hearing from her gave me a feeling of great relief.

"I'm..." I look down at the body lying on top of me and smile "Great... I'd say perfect but you're not here".

"Shut the hell up dude" she chuckles but for a person who knows her, I can hear the sadness in her tone, I hate it. "What have you been up to? Still fucking around?". Yes... but this was better than that.

"Uh, you know me" I laugh, but there's a bit I haven't told her over the recent days, not that I'm hiding shit from Nine, it's just complicated and it would be better if she were actually here. "And what about you? found someone to fuck around with yet ?". I was only joking but I knew she'd take it seriously, what can I say? I missed her handing me my shit.

"You know I have a girlfriend right? no matter how much you'd like to think I'm a whore, I'm not" she laughs.

"While we're on her topic, when was the last time you spoke to her?". Not to brag but I feel like Nine speaks to me more than her girlfriend and Drew. There's a minute or so of silence before she speaks.

"That's none of your business".

"Right" I drag the word nodding, I know she has to add something to that childish response.

"It's hard speaking to her okay?" there's the sad tone "I regret coming here, I regret thinking that I could do something to take this man down, I regret leaving her, I regret leaving you guys, but talking to her makes me feel that regret even more".

I sigh deeply as the person on top of me stirs a bit, I know they were awake and listening in "We are going to take that asshole down, don't question that, just calm the fuck down Cain, we're right here waiting for you and backing you up all the way" he raises his head at this point and looks at me.

"Yeah" I hear Cain sigh " How's my gym?".

"Perfect, Sparks is there like everyday making sure everything is okay, Drew and I sorted out that phony investment you had with your witch of an ex, but we're keeping the machines". She chuckles.

"You're damn right we are".

"Everything's fine Nine, and you? Made any friends?" I ask in a teasing tone, she couldn't have possibly made friends with her bitch attitude. We're the only ones that understand her.

"Kind of, I don't know" huh?

"What's that answer?".

"Well, there's bunch of childish crack heads that I'm stuck with, they're okay", she's making friends? what ? I frown.

"Childish crack heads huh ?".

"Now now, I know they sound like you two but I promise you no one is replacing you guys, I'm just stuck with these two for some mission, I'm stuck with you guys for life". I smile and scoff a bit.

"Tell me about your crack head friends". He rests his chin on my chest and stares at me.

"Well there's Beet, she's cool and there's Luke he's... well, cool I guess, I don't know how I feel about them" .

Mistakes Unveiled (LMM Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora