But you know I'm a psychopath.

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"When was the last time you did this?" Beet questions me her eyebrows raised and I scoff a laughter.

"What's it to you?" I ask leaning back in the car seat. It was around 11 pm and there wasn't much activity around the docks, apart from a few shady looking people who appeared every now and then, but hey, we were shady looking too. It was also cloudy and you could see lightning every few minutes and I was hoping it doesn't rain, I hated when it rained and I was doing these jobs for Nik. I mean what the hell is this? A terribly written fictional book?

"Just want to make sure you're not rusty and won't mess this up" Beet smirks in this challenging manner, raising one of her eyebrows as she faces me with her whole body. She was the driver because she knew these areas better, and I guess Luke hadn't had any crack today because he was silently lying in the back seat.

"The last time I did this, I was eighteen, I didn't have back up the way you spoilt privileged kids do, I was alone and had little to no knowledge but I could still fight a dude and pick up what needed to be picked up, so you don't really need to be worried about me" I shrug and watch as she nods an impressed grin on her face.

"Impressive" Luke finally spoke from the back seat causing both of us to turn and look at him. I've hang out with these two thrice, and I wouldn't consider them fun company, trust me I know what fun company is, and I miss it... So much... Anyway, fuck that. They are not fun, but they are kind of cool and it's not like I had a choice, it was either sit and plan how today's pick up would go or get high using the last of Aus' blunts and cry all night. I was not doing the second one, that's right I make responsible decisions now.  

"Speaking of impressive, did you check out Ash?" Beet asks and that's how I zone out. That's how it went when I was with them, one minute I'm involved the next one I'm not... I guess you can say I didn't fit in. Surprise surprise. And I wasn't even joking, these fuckers are so privileged, Nik seems to be treating them better. Sending them on missions in pairs or more, making it seem like some fun hang out, I did these things alone, I only had back up which consisted of men that barely uttered words when I needed to use force.

Look at these two, a pair of confused crack heads acting like this is a hang out, I doubt they can use force when required, spoilt as-.

"That's our guy" Beet announces looking straight ahead as they sit up straight.

"About time, let's get to it" Luke announces sitting up and opening the back door. Well they seem excited. I sit there, frozen and confused as Beet opens their door and gets out, opening the glove compartment of the car and taking out a loaded gun. Okay, they're prepared, so what? that doesn't mean I'm not and I'm rusty. No it does not, shut up.

Beet pulls a hoody over her shiny hair and bends down, lifting her cargo pants to tuck in the gun in her socks before she looks sideway at me and smiles "Are you coming Bon Jovi?". Ugh fuck it. With that, I open my car door and walk to their side, I didn't even need a gun, I had loaded guns with me already... Yeah yeah I know that was cringe, I said you shut the fuck up.

We approach a tall slim guy, leaning against the boot of a black luxury sedan and the moment we get there his eyes lock with Beet's and he grins.

"It's nice to see you" he announces standing up straight and giving Luke and I nods of acknowledgement, so what? No grins for us? He open his boot immediately and obviously has to take his time feeling on the covert cache to know exactly how to open it, but when he does, he exposes the black vacuum-sealed plastic bags and my blood runs cold immediately. This brings so much memory that I never want to recall, what the fuck was I thinking coming back to this? Uh oh, and there it is the sharp pain in my chest that makes it hard for me to breathe, how convenient.

Mistakes Unveiled (LMM Sequel)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt