Why can't I seem to get enough of you ?

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Play, the album, dopamine by Borns.

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My hands hold on to her waist firmly, appreciating the feeling of her body against mine and her scent clogging my senses, I was sure if I opened my eyes rightnow, I wouldn't be able to see straight. Her lips never leave mine as the once heated kiss softens and she softly kisses the corners of my lips then sits up straddling my thighs. It takes me a few seconds but I finally open my eyes and can't help the immediate smile that spreads on my lips the moment I see Sparks smiling down at me. She was unbelievably adorable, if I could carry a mirror for her every time and just force her to see what I saw I could.

"What ?" I eye her suspiciously, we had been kissing for about an hour since she, well technically I, asked her to be my girlfriend and now she strangely just sits up and eyes me like this. It was amazing how I couldn't get tired of those full tasty lips on mine. We've been at it for more than some time now like some teenagers scared of making any other move but it felt so amazing to just feel this close to her I didn't want it to end. 

"Nothing" she smiles wider "You're just really pretty, you know that ?" she waves her eyebrows at me and I feel the warm, stupid feeling in my chest for the hundredth time tonight.

"Shut the hell up" I roll my eyes and look away. It was weird getting such complements from someone, it felt intimate, it felt like she actually meant them, it felt like I was actually... pretty. Was I ?

"No I won't, don't tell me what to do, I have a beautiful girlfriend and I feel like I should let her know that every chance I get" she says closing her eyes in contempt and pride and I cant help but laugh, see, I told you she was adorable. 

Instead of disagreeing with her and creating an argument this late at night, I let my hand trail up her body slowly, until I get to her neck and pull her back down close to me. Her eyes never leave mine, a small smile on her lips, and at some point my eyes have to leave hers as they trail those delicious lips I can't seem to have enough of. I gulp at the close site of them and slowly trail her upper lip with my thumb, fuck, it looked good enough to eat, but then too good, that I'd want to save it for a special day.

"Tell me something Sparks" I whisper my eyes stuck on her lips and I watch as they part a bit as she gives me her response.

"Yeah ?" her voice is also a whisper her accent coming off strong and soft as she adjusts herself on top of me and I feel her hand push my hair back, tucking a few strands behind my ear.

"Why can't I seem to get enough of you ?" I ask, genuinely hoping she has an answer to this question as I part her lips with my thumb and admire her existence. Fuck, she existed, and she existed as a goddess that I wouldn't mind attending to her every command and need. I was whipped, wasn't I ?

"I can't answer that, but I can assure you that you're very much not alone in feeling that Forbes". Her whole existence felt like a dream, maybe she was.

"Damn it, I love when you say my name like that". Are the last words that are heard before I close the gap between us getting to taste those delicious lips I've been craving since the first time I tasted them in that bathroom.

I moan against her lips enjoying the feeling of need yet fulfilment her lips on mine gave me and my hand leaves her neck, getting tangled in her beautiful hair. Meanwhile her soft hands are cupping my cheeks as she sighs melting into the kiss and if this wasn't a sign for me to flip us over and take all control, I don't know what was. I flip us over as her mouth opens, granting an access for my tongue that was ready to explore every inch of her mouth and even her throat if possible.

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