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Jaxon Carnell

Last Tuesday

"DID YOU HAVE to make a big scene with my sister's friend?" Rin asks as he turns his black SUV off the main road and down a dirt path road, making the car wobble.

"Yes." I say simply. Her reaction was not what I was expecting but it just made everything ten times better. She's a fiery girl. So full of energy and pent up anger. She's a very good muse.

Before our encounter on the plane, I had read a book that was filled with Shakespeare quotes. One specific quote came to mind when we had met on the plane, "Though she be but little, she is fierce".

Which I have proven to be 100% true. She is little, and she is fierce. Just what I have been looking for in this boring little life.

"That was fun to watch, Rin, you have to admit that." Desmond adds, "The way she dragged you back to the till to buy another apple. Priceless."

"She's not afraid of you, Jaxon. Watch out for her." Rin warns, his eyebrows pulled together in worry.

The car pulls up to iron gates and a guard comes to Rin's window to peek inside. When he spots me he opens the gates and smirks at me. I hate him. Though he's a guard, he's been fucking my older sister. She begged me not to tell father but even if I did he wouldn't care because to him the guard is a higher rank then my sister because of what's between his legs.

I like to compare my father to Henry the 8th only with fewer wives. Henry the 8th had six Wives, my father had three. He's had three girls before he had my older brother, then my older sister, then me and my younger sister. I wouldn't be surprised if I have younger siblings out there that I'm unaware of with the amount of affairs he likes to have. My older brother was meant to be the heir to the mafia but was killed by another mafia.

Now I'm the heir which makes my father give me these shit little missions to do for him to prove myself worthy. I'll fucking prove him I'm worthy when I slice his head from his shoulders and mount It above the office desk like they used to do to deer.

We walk inside to be greeted by Devon, our butler. "Welcome home Mr. Carnell."

"Hey Dev." Desmond greets sharing a male handshake ending with a pat on eachothers back.

"Your father is expecting you in his study, sir." A piece of dark hair fell to his face which he pushed out the way and behind his ear, "Please follow me."

We follow him down the hallway that leads to fathers office. Devon knocks on the door and announces we've arrived. The door opens and I find Astraea, my youngest sister, sitting in an armchair with her hands covering her face. Her bleached hair falling to the front of her face, shading her pale skin and blue eyes.

She's the only one left in this house from us children. He's already married off my three elder sisters to men at least double their age to join mafia companies together to stay anonymous, and as earlier said, my elder brother is dead. It's no surprise if he's marrying Astraea to join companies to keep the real business hidden.

"Go gather your belongings. The wedding is next Friday." He announces while waving her off. She runs past us three, covering her face from the shame probably. "Devon, get us each a scotch, neat. Then get that girl ready, the dressmaker will be here in an hour."

"Yes, sir." Devon bows then leaves out the door.

"Sit." My father commands, Rin and Desmond both sit in armchairs, making themselves at home instantly while I just stand between the two with my arms crossed over my chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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