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》11 years earlier《

I WONDER WHAT it's like to fly?

To fall and catch yourself midair before splattering all over the ground. To travel from one place to another by wind.

It would be so cool. I may be jealous of birds.

Like the dark bird that has been following me since I left school and I'm not sure if it's because I have sunflowers all over my army green woolly jumper or the stinky leftover jelly I left in my bag for a week...

Or maybe it's the apple I'm currently eating.

When I stop the bird also stops, taking a seat on the stone wall beside me, I take in its features: navy blue feathers that glow under the sun. This bird has been following me for a while now and one day I searched what bird it was; but I've never seen a raven this close up before, it's engaging the way it looks as if sent from up above.

"Bye bye birdie." I wave and leave my apple on the stone wall beside the bird. It looks at the red apple for a moment until it starts picking at it. Walking up the front garden steps, I halt once the gurgling croak of the raven hits my ears and when I turn, I catch the bird croaking while flapping its wings.

Smiling at the bird, I open the door and make my way inside only to be greeted by a well dressed, tall, muscular man with sunglasses walking from the kitchen with a glass of water to the living room where voices are heavy with conversation. When the suited man moves deeper into the living room my eyes find my father speaking with another important looking man with two more muscular suited men surrounding him.

When my dad notices me, he snaps his head in my direction and his eyebrows dip in anger, a mad expression begins to form on his face. My eyes widen in fear. He holds the door and before slamming it he spits, "Stop staring at me you creep!"

The loud bang startles me enough that I flinch at the sudden noise. I take this as my que to leave for my room. Once in my safe space, I change out of my uncomfortable school uniform and into something much more relaxing: black leggings and my white Firetrap oversized t-shirt. My pink woolly socks cover my feet and a blanket is slung across my shoulders from the cold.

Snuggling up against my favourite blanket, I decide to get some of my homework over with... like maths. My only source of light is the candle beside me on my nightstand. The smell of Vanilla relaxes my senses as my brain fiddles with the numbers.

Half an hour passes and I've only been able to answer five questions when my door bursts open which is then followed by the booming sound of my dads voice. "Pack." He says simply, hand gripping my door handle until his knuckles turn white.

"What?" I mumble.

"Pa-ck." He says slowly. "You're not my problem anymore." Is all he says, staring at me expectantly.

"What, I-I don't understand?" I panic, looking around my room for an answer yet coming up short. Strong clammy hands grip my shoulders and suddenly my world is tossed sideways and I land on the floor with a thud. My stuff tumble on top of me but all I'm focused on is my father's retreating figure.

"Ouch." I hiss under my breath when he dissapears, hand to my head where my book hit me on its tumble down. I scan the mess around me, papers, books and pens now flood my floor.

Loud thuds are heard becoming louder the closer they get. My stomach drops as I realise who it is and why. Before I can stand he's there, belt in hand stood at my open door.

"I'll tell you once more, PA-CK!" He hits me across the face, blood slowly dripping from the slash of the belt against my forehead. I struggle to move while being whipped, but I do it. It takes me ten minutes until he's bored with me and lights his cigarette. As I struggle to get on my knees, he bends down to face me and blows smoke in my face. My eyes burn from the smoke, causing me to whale and rub my eyes to relieve the pain. "Get going you stupid cunt." Is all he says before dropping his burning cigarette on the white carpet and walking out the room.

I pounce for the cigarette and quickly pick it from the carpet before it sets a flame. My whole body visibly flinches when the sound of shoes click their way on the wooden hallway floors. When I peek, the fancy man from earlier kneels down to my height on the ground, his fingers lift my chin up and I look at him, "How old are you?"

"E-Eight." I stutter, dragging the sleeve of my cardigan across my eyes to rid of the fallen tears. I can't cry, it'll get me punished again.

He hums in thought, "Pack light." He softly demands before turning to one of the suited men behind him. "Get the car ready." I'm going with him?

My trembling hands shake as I continue packing everything valuable to me; my favourite red blanket being top. All I can hear is my heart pumping in my ears, my face pales and suddenly I feel sick.

I look over my shoulder to watch the suited man tell another to block all exits, then he turns to me, "Got everything?" He asks as I zip up the bag and he reaches for it.

I nod still unsure about this whole situation, "Good. Once we make it home, I'll introduce you to my boys." He informs me with a sympathetic smile while I get a sudden jolt in my stomach. What does he mean by that?

Silent tears droop from my eyes as I follow this man out the front door. I hear the front door to my house become locked and two suited men stand there like bouncers to a nightclub. Tearing my eyes away from them, I stand in front of a locked back door of a limo.


"Laurent. Call me Laurent." He cuts me off.

"Laurent," I look at him, "Where are you taking me?" I ask.

"Home." He opens the back seat door for me as I unwillingly jump in.

Once this Laurent guy is seated beside me in the back, the two wanna-be bouncers get in the front and the car starts moving.

Once this Laurent guy is seated beside me in the back, the two wanna-be bouncers get in the front and the car starts moving

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I hope you like the prologue.

And I hope this book will reach all your standards 🙂


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