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An owl, perched on the street sign of Privet Drive, flies away at the arrival of the old wizard known as Albus Dumbledore. Stopping at the start of the street, Dumbledore takes out his deluminator, causing the lamposts to go dark as their light is trapped. As the man tucks his device away, a tabby cat sitting on a brick ledge meows before Dumbledore greets her,

"I should have known that you would be here... Professor McGonagall."

The animagus professor then transforms into a human and replies,

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore."

Both professors begin to walk. "Are the rumours true, Albus?"

"I'm afraid so, Professor. The good and the bad."

"And the twins? The girl and boy?"

"Hagrid is bringing them."

"Do you think it wise? To trust Hagrid with something as important as this?"

"Ah, Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life," Dumbledore reassures before the sound of a motor can be heard. The two professors look up to see a flying motorcycle coming down from the air. It skids on the street and halts before the large man riding it removes his goggles.

"Professor Dumbledore, Sir. Professor McGonagall," Hagrid speaks.

"No problems, I trust, Hagrid?" Dumbledore asks kindly.

"No, Sir. Little tykes fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol. Heh. Try not to wake them. There you go."

Dumbledore and McGonagall hold out their arms as Hagrid hands a baby, both wrapped in blankets, to each of them.

"Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving them with these people?" McGonagall questions as she looks down at the small baby girl in her arms. "I've been watching them all day. They're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are-"

"The only family they have," Dumbledore finishes as the two stop outside one of the houses.

"These twins will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know their names."

"Exactly. They're better off growing up away from all that... Until they are ready."

The two professors place the twins at the foot of the door to the house. Behind them, Hagrid begins to cough and sniffle, crying and attempting to clear his throat out of embarrassment. "There, there, Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all."

In understanding, Hagrid nods as Dumbledore places a letter with the baby boy bearing a lightning-bolt-shaped scar. The baby girl, lying beside her brother, raises her arm in a stretch to reveal she has the same shaped scar on her right forearm. Before leaving, Dumbledore says what will be the last words he speaks to the twins for a very long time,

"Good luck... Harry and Ella Potter."

Ella Potter: Harry Potter StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang