Chapter 8 - Philosopher's Stone

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A few nights later, Harry and I decided to put our new invisibility cloak to good use and try and see if we could find anything in the restricted section on Nicholas Flamel. Late at night, my twin and I quietly walked through the dark library under the cloak while Harry held a lantern in his hand. Once we reached the restricted section, Harry held the lamp up to the spines of the books, reading the titles in whispers aloud,

"Famous fire eaters... 15th Century Fiends... Flamel... Nicholas Flamel... where are you?"

Wanting to get a better look, Harry pulled the cloak off of us as he eyed one of the books. My brother turned to me with a questioning look in his eyes. I shrugged and lightly nodded, giving him the go-ahead before he placed the lamp down. The both of us quickly looked around to make sure no one was coming before Harry picked up the book and opened it. Not even a moment later, the book slightly shook, and a man's face suddenly appeared, screaming,


Swiftly, Harry and I slammed the book shut and put it back right before we heard Filch's voice in the distance,

"Who's there?!"

I whipped around in the direction of Filch's voice before Harry grabbed the cloak. But, the lamp that we were using fell and shattered, giving away our location to Filch. We ran away from the now broken lamp but stopped at the sound of Filch's voice again, "I know you're in there. You can't hide."

At the sight of a light, I helped Harry pull the cloak over us just as Filch was coming around one of the shelves. "Who is it? Show yourself!"

We crept around the caretaker carefully as he held up his own lamp and looked around. Once we were far enough away, Harry and I walked faster to the door of the library. However, Mrs Norris was in the hall waiting for us. The red-eyed cat meowed and started following us as we tried to walk away quickly. As we rounded a corner, Professor Snape and Quirrell suddenly appeared. Snape shoved Quirrell into the wall as Harry and I crept around the two slowly.

"Severus...I-I thought..." Professor Quirrell stuttered, but Snape didn't let him finish,

"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell."

"W-what do you m-mean?"

"You know perfectly well what I mean." Professor Snape suddenly stopped and turned his head in the direction of me and Harry. Swiftly, Harry placed a hand over my mouth, quieting my heavy breathing. Our potions teacher reached out as though he were trying to grab something, but Harry and I moved back in time. As my twin and I continued backing away from the two teachers, Snape took a moment before whipping his finger back in front of Professor Quirrell's face. "We'll have another chat soon... when you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie."

As Harry was removing his hand from my mouth, Filch came around the corner, our broken lamp in his hand,

"Oh, Professors. I found this in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed."

The three men darted off, leaving Harry and me in the hall alone. Thinking it was best to hide for a bit, Harry carefully opened the door that had been behind us before closing it again. As Harry let the cloak drop to the floor, he whispered,

"That was close."

I simply nodded as I looked around the room we had entered. It was quite empty except for a large mirror in the centre. I turned to look at Harry, only to see that the mirror had caught his attention as well. Together, we walked over to it. The mirror's frame was golden and covered in spiderwebs, and at the top was an engraved sentence in a language I couldn't read. My brows furrowed in confusion as I turned to see my brother holding the same expression. When we both looked back in the mirror, I saw two people appear. A red-haired woman and a brown-haired man with glasses. Confused and shocked, I turned to Harry again, whose eyes were also wide, before we looked to see if there was anyone behind us. Realizing we really were alone, Harry guessed,

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