Chapter 7 - Philosopher's Stone

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 As we all started to stand, before Harry left the Great Hall to meet up with his team, I remembered to ask,

"Oh! Harry, I was wondering if I could borrow something of yours to show my support for the Gryffindor team."

"Sure, El, you can borrow my scarf. I've got it here," Harry smiled as he took his red and gold scarf out of his bag. I took my brother's scarf with a wide grin, wrapping it around my neck and kissing Harry on the cheek.

"Thanks, Harry. You'll do great, I'm sure of it. Good luck."

"Thanks, Ella." Harry placed a quick kiss on my temple before leaving the Great Hall with a wave to everybody.

"We should go find a spot in the stands," Hermione suggested, to which we all nodded and followed her to the Quidditch pitch.

Both teams flew out onto the enormous pitch on their brooms. Everyone cheered. Hermione, Ron, Hagrid, Eric, and I clapped for Harry and the rest of the Gryffindors. As the players flew around, Lee Jordan, Gryffindor and friend of the Weasley twins, commentated from one of the towers surrounding the pitch,

"Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game is Slytherin versus Gryffindor!"

We all cheered even louder, Neville and Seamus shouting along with a few other students,


The players started taking their positions in the air in a circle, and I spotted Harry as Lee spoke,

"The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game."

I could see Madam Hooch speaking and looking at each of the players but couldn't hear what she was saying before she kicked the trunk beside her, causing two balls, the bludgers Eric told me, to zoom out. "The bludgers are up... followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the Snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game."

I watched Harry move his head around while what looked like a tiny sparkle flew around his and the Slytherin seeker's head. Madam Hooch then grabbed the biggest ball before tossing it up. "The Quaffle is released... and the game begins!"

The Gryffindors took possession of the Quaffle as one of their chasers, Angelina Johnson, I think, zoomed past the Slytherins and toward their goal. With a powerful throw, she scored, and we all cheered as a ding signalled the point. "Angelina Johnson scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!"

"Well done!" Hagrid cheered as we all clapped for the first score. Lee continued to comment on the action as I excitedly watched the game,

"Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint."

The Slytherin player, Marcus Flint, dodged all of the Gryffindor players flying toward him as he made his way to the Gryffindor hoops. Flint took a shot at the goal, but Oliver Wood was able to whack the Quaffle away with the end of his broom. I cheered alongside my friends then continued watching as Angelina and Katie Bell, I'm pretty sure, passed the Quaffle back and forth. Once they got the Quaffle back to the Slytherin hoops, Angelina was able to score for the Gryffindor team once again.

"Yay!" Ron and Seamus shouted as Eric, Hermione and I all cheered some more,


"Another 10 points to Gryffindor!" Lee happily announced as another ding could be heard.

"Yay!" all the Gryffindors roared, smiles on all of our faces. The game continued, and the Slytherins started to get more aggressive as they continued to try and score, only to be thwarted by Oliver's constant blocks. I was very proud of Oliver and the Gryffindor team and couldn't wait to see Harry in action once he spotted the Golden Snitch. However, my excitement was quickly overtaken by concern when I saw Flint grab one of the Slytherin beater's bats and whack a bludger right at Oliver. I gasped as the bludger hit Oliver in the stomach, causing him to endure a long fall to the ground. The whole crowd booed except for the Slytherins, who had the nerve to laugh.

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