Homemade Store-bought

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Ships: ELE
Summary: An and Toya attempt to make chocolates to surprise the group.

"No, don't use chocolate chips, Shiraishi-san," Toya warned, hovering a hand over the saucepan to prevent even one from entering. "They'll disturb the texture."

An stopped where she held the bag. "Eh, really? But they taste so gooood when I eat them normally."

'She just... eats them plain, outta-the-bag 'normally'? Another thing to add to the list of things Shiraishi-san just does.' "When we add heat, the texture will change, and the additives will make them harder to mix."

An pouted. There was the reason she didn't kick him out when he showed up to make chocolates with her. "Then, what do we do with all these chocolate chips I bought~~?"

Toya's sharp eyes wavered. She looked so cute like that, in her apron, he almost wanted to let her add them anyway... But, "These are for Akito and Azusawa-san after practice tommorow, so they aren't going in there. Maybe we can return the unopened ones--?" Ken appeared around the corner.

"I can run them to the store for you." An jumped and turned around. He had on his shoes and a winter coat, they noticed, as he spun his keys around a finger.

"Wait, really, dad?"

Ken nodded. "I'm heading to the store anyways." Toya obediently retrieved the receipt from the recycling and pressed it on his shirt before handing it to him.

"If so, then thank you, it would be a big help." He gave a small bow. An and Ken gave a knowing smirk to each other.

"No need to be so formal, Toya-kun. It's my pleasure." He patted his shoulder before heading to the exit, right near the front door. "I won't be back for a while, but--"

"Your momma?"

"'Your momma,' An." He flipped down the shades. On days like these, he goes out like an idol in disguise. However, just like An's good friend, Haruka, there was no hiding his stage presence, either. "Welp, I'm off." There was a strange quiet after he left, like he had filled the space temporarily. Toya turned to An, trying to remember what step they were on. He looked at An sneakily snacking on some choco chips from the one bag that was already open.

"Mm? Wan wun o-- summ?" she mumbled with her mouth full, holding the bag to him. He grabbed the bag contemplatively and tossed it on the island behind him. He put his hands on either side of her and leaned down.


An smirked and hooked her hand on the back of his neck. Toya searched for the chocolate, much of it just running out of her mouth in a syrupy mess. She pulled away soon enough and went for a paper towel, swallowing what was left of the chocolate. She picked up a chip that had fallen on the counter and threw it in the air. He snapped it out of the air. She liked pulling this with Akito too, but it pleasantly surprised her when Toya went along with eating random things, too. Serves him right for intruding on her surprise. She noticed him lick a little from his lips in contemplation.

"What do you think? Can we add them anyways☆?" He raised an eyebrow. The chocolate's quality was good...

"...Fine," he affectionately sighed, "Let's put them on top of the raspberry jam filled ones."

"Yayy♡! Toya-kun!" 

An ran in for more kisses.

• {♡} •

A door opened. Toya jumped out of An's arms and An froze at the prospect of her mother catching her alone with a guy.

Tiny gerbil hands in the door frame made a 'calm down' motion at the commotion. "Guys, it's just me..."

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