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Ship: Anhane
Summary: Emu decides to sneak Kohane into Kamiyama, where An is a member of the disciplinary committee. Will her presence be welcome, or cause further trouble?

{ •♡• }

A rumble of menacing energy surrounded the room of the disciplinary committee this fine afternoon. An was dealing punishment to yet another bothersome student. Her friend, also in the committee, stared in awe, bringing in the next culprits, two people that had snuck in from another school. An's hair appeared to float and a black aura surrounded her. One of the girls An's committee-mate brought in sat down on a waiting chair and watched An chastise a dude with purple hair briefly yet curtly. She was a regular, sneaking in. The other girl was unfamiliar, wearing glasses and appeared very shy and nervous, not even looking up. She flinched at every pointed word to the resident troublemaker.

An coldly broke a remote for Rui's drone in two. The pieces clattered to the floor. "Next," she sighed, turning around. Kohane hesitantly stood. Her disdainful eyes trailed up the next person standing there. Kohane shuddered slightly. "Out of uniform, I see, Missssssss--aaaaaAAAĔÊÉ! Kohane-chan?!"

Kohane timidly looked up. "A-An-chan?!"

Emu jumped from her chair. "Emu- chan!"

The other two looked at her. She sat back down.

"Otori-san, you're a repeat offender, so I'll let you off this time." Kohane looked to the other disciplinary committee member. She just scratched her head.

She leapt to her feet. "Really?!!"

"Yes," An confirmed. She cleared her throat. "You are too go back to Miyamasuka immediately. Do not interfere with club activities. Do not take anyone with you," she stressed. "If I do not see that pink bob bouncing out of the gates in three minutes it's going over to Asahina-senpai for a demerit."

She looked like she'd seen a ghost. "No... not senpai..!"

"Time starts now, cutie pie~."

Emu dashed out of the room. The committe member chased her, trying to tell her not to run in the halls. Suddenly it was silent in the room. An sighed in relief.

Kohane looked between her and the agape door, crossing over and sliding it shut. "So, uh, you never call me 'cutie pie...'

"That's cause you're my sweet cake, Kohane..." she sighed. She sat on the edge of a long desk. Opening her eyes, aura of darkness completely gone, she looked at Kohane awkwardly shifting around. She patted next to her, tilting her head. "Come on over." Kohane hesitated, fiddling with her fingers in front of her. "I swear I don't bite~☆"

Kohane cracked a smile, looking at her girlfriend. "Fufu. Okay..." She sat. "What about my punishment?"

"Oh, that. Hm." An glanced at the wall before making eye contact and smiling. "♡You're a first-time offender, so you get a pass!"

She giggled, scooching a little closer. "No punishment for first time offenders or repeats?" she teased in a sing-song voice, taking off her glasses. "If it's like that, I might as well visit you more often."

"Eh?" An slurred, distracted. "An' what, watch me yell at people for minor dress code violations?"

Kohane realized now what she had said. Why would she want to be here again? "I dunno, maybe..?" She looked away, unsure. "I guess I just like watching you at work like that..."

This time An scooched closer. "You can do that at the Weekend Garage y'know," she smiled, exasperated.

Kohane gave a small smile. "Yeah, yeah, you're right." She scooched closer, brushing against An's stiff school jacket. The room smelled so pristine and corporate. Something about this was alluring to Kohane. She wondered if she would give her a talking-to about shoving aside the committee-work as though it was nothing more than a hindrance. A cold look for spreading her legs a little wider for An to see, or a disgusted, reluctant submission if she touched her.

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