Where to go?!

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Ships: Akitoya
Summary: Akito and Toya talk about going on a date.

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"Hey," Akito called over to Toya, who was sitting comfortably on the couch in the Shinonome living room. Akito sat a little beyond the coffee table in his dad's recliner. "Wanna go out sometime?"

"As in, on a date?" Toya replied, eyes widening. He craned his neck to look at his boyfriend, not moving much more.

"Yes, 'As in on a date,' Toya!" Akito growled, eyes closed. "We've already told everyone that matters about us, so why not?" he muttered.

"That's not what I was trying to say," Toya clarified, shaking his head a little. It tilted in concentration. "It's just, we go out all the time. How are we supposed to make this any different?"

Akito's eyes opened. To his chargin, Toya was asking questions again. "Ermm..." He puffed out his cheeks. Toya faintly smiled. Aki sat up and snapped his fingers. "We can hold hands to display dominance."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes." Toya was on board.

"Now to decide where to go..." Silence fell over the duo, concentrating on this new subject. They sank back into their seats as the old clock ticked quietly in the background. The silence was cut as Toya spoke.

"Let's go to the arcade," he suggested.

"I'd rather go to a cool rave..." Akito retorted slyly. Toya knew he was gonna be stubborn about this, though. He decided to be a little more stern.



"Arcade." Toya straightened back up.

"Rave." Akito sat up.

"It doesn't appear as though this is going anywhere." He flopped back, arms spread over the couch.

"I'd say the same thing. Hmph." Akito elbow dropped the cushion, curling into a ball facing opposite Toya's direction.

Silence fell once again. Akito expanded across the chair, legs ragdolling onto the leg rest, and ruffled his head in annoyance. "Urrgghhhh. Where to go?!" he muttered.

Toya hummed in thought. "Maybe we should begin with what we want to experience together that we can't just do anywhere."

"I want to go to a rave with you romantically!" Akito said, exasperated. He waved his hand in some nebulous gesture, pushing himself off the back of the chair.

"Well I want to go to the arcade with you romantically but that isn't specific enough!" Toya raised one of his hands as he turned to make eye contact with him. Akito saw him cross one leg over his other with his elbow still resting on the top of the couch. He was model-level gorgeous in his eyes. Toya saw his shift in demeanor and continued. "What exactly is going to a rave romantically? What types of experiences does it entail? That's what I'm talking about."

"Huh. That's a good question Toya..." Akito laid back, fantasizing at the dimly lit ceiling. "I dunno, like, seeing the reactions of the people that know of us, but where we aren't being coddled by Vivid Street and the MafiAn. Being able to try new things and hold hands while doing it. If a certain power-line-snipping musician tries to say anything we punch them..."

"You want to show me off in front of many likely homophobic people," Toya cut in, raising an eyebrow as he brought his arm down from the couch. "Fufu. That's definitely you, Akito."

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