Just rest up!

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Ships: ELA (no, not English Lang Arts, Everybody Loves An!), Kotoya
Summary: An is extra tired and needs a break.

{ •♡• }

"Phew..." An quietly sighed as she spawned in Crase café.

No one was in the main room at the moment. She went over to one of the cushioned seats, crumpling into it like a pile of laundry. She pulled her knees to her chest under her coat, effectively becoming a turtle.

Everything huuurrrrrrtt. She needed some time before practice. Her eyes couldn't focus anymore, her head pounded, some of the customers were less than patient, and, on top of that, she doubted she could even hold a mic with how weak her arms were. Small orbs pricked through her squeezed shut eyes. She had a math test tommorow and a disciplinary committee meeting after school. VBS had also signed up to do an event in a week that they didn't even have a songlist for yet. Another cramp from her time of the month made her groan. An let out a shaky breath. It'll all be fine...

She let out a small sob, curling in tighter. She hardly had the strength to do more to begin with.

A sassy Rin walked into the café, followed by Akito.

"So I said to Toya: 'You still think that's how it works?' And he said: 'I know that's--.' ... An. Hey." He noticed Rin staring at An with a vaguely concerned expression.

An covered herself more, if that was possible. "*sigghhhh* You're too loud, Akito-kun." She meant to sound teasing, but it came out utterly exhausted.

He stepped back a little, surprised. Kohane and Toya came in to wait to start practice.

"An-chan...?" Kohane was instantly concerned.

"Isn't this what Shiraishi-san usually does when she arrives?" Toya not so much.

"Mm-mm," she shook her head. "Usually she's laying on the entire seat dramatically. We can't even see her face!"

As if this day could get even more embarrassing.

"Okay... if An-chan is a turtle, I have no choice but to become a snake!"

It could. Kohane wiggled her way over to An. She could hear her awkwardly approaching. She crouched in front of her. An felt her hair blown slightly.

"Sssssup! My ssssssssunflowahh!" she zenly whispered.

An began to move from her jacketed shell. "Mmmhhh!" she whined. Her head popped out, stringy hair falling on her red face. "Kohaneee~~ I don't wanna~"

"O-oh! T-that'ssssss okay, An!" She stood and pulled her head to her stomach.

"..Huh? You're supposed to be dragging me to my feet so that we can begin rehearsal?" she said, muffled in Kohane's embrace.

"B-but you're--!"

Akito cut her off. "If you're ready to practice we're ready whenever. Let's do this."

Kohane glanced at Toya, who gave a reassuring nod.

An sighed, freeing herself from Kohane's grip. "Fine. Bring it on." An got up from her knees, trying not to show how wobbly she was.

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