Take her out!

238 1 13

Ships: Antoya
Summary: Toya takes An out on a date.

{ •♡• }

"You seem in a chipper mood today," Mr. Aoyagi commented as his son finished his breakfast.

"Yes, I suppose I am," Toya responded, humming a new tune quietly.

"Fair travels," he called as Toya left for school. "Be home in time for practice."

He shook off the icyness in his heart. Toya couldn't stop thinking. And luckily it wasn't about studies, or music, but love. He couldn't stop thinking about An since they had first admitted their feelings for one another. They did what they could to show their feelings for one another, but between both of their responsibilities they hadn't spent much time together.

Things were okay where they were, but a part of Toya wanted more. He wanted to truly deepen their connection, see her infectious smile more without worrying about anything else. He wanted to go on a date with her. And so he decided he would ask her out.

Tsukasa guided his nervous kouhai to An's classroom. He smiled reassuringly at him and pushed him through the sliding door, not even bothering to enter with formality.

Toya sat at a desk next to An's. "Hello, Shiraishi."

"H-hello, Toya-kun. What brings you here?"

Still stoic as ever on the outside, he took the palm of her hand in both of his.

'Take her out!' the little voice said.

"Shiraishi-san! Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" he declared seriously. Tsukasa cheered in the background and Mizuki giggled.

"Eeehhhhh?!!" An gasped, face looking like it was hit by a hot iron.

Toya innocently cocked his head. "Is something the matter?"

"I... uh! Ahahaha, no!" she fumbled, flustered. She smoothed back her hair with her free hand, bringing it back with a snap and finger gun. "You've got it, Toya-kun!"

{ •♡• }

An exited the Weekend Garage, hurrying over to Toya, who was waiting outside.

"Thanks for waiting!"

"It's no issue! I remember you saying your dad lets you off early on Fridays when you help set up," he chirped, taking her hand.

"Really, did I now..." she mused. She didn't remember.

Walking towards nowhere, Toya was quiet as ever. An felt his palm grow sweaty. She just let it be, letting him guide her wherever they would end up.

A few more minutes passed. "Toyaaa~~ I'm gonna fall asleep on you at this rate."

"I would not be opposed to that," he answered.

That frank way of flirting(?) was just what An needed. Perking up, she looked around. They were in town center, surrounded by vendors, shops, and machines. Toya stopped.

"Where would you like to go first?" he smiled softly to her.

"Hmm... There!"

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