Boxes and Bows

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III got an idea. (No content warnings to be seen, overall very fluffy and silly chapter)

"Quick, while he's on the- ow!" Vessel jabbed his elbow back into III's ribs, sending the other tumbling off of him. He's not going in that stupid box with a stupid ribbon, the thought running through his mind as he scrambled to get up again before he could be caught.

III reached for his ankle and snatched it before he could properly get up, sending him tumbling back down again with a hushed thump to the floor. II grabbed one arm and IV grabbed the other before III let go, chuckling mischievously. To catch a vessel is a difficult task, but when it comes to these three and their antics... nothing can stop them.

"Damn it let me go!" Vessel thrashed around in their grip, tugging and trying to free himself with minimal amounts of success. II and IV held fast, III getting up and taking over to toss the squirming Vessel over his shoulder.

"You're going in the box whether you like it or not." He spoke over the other two laughing, jostling Vessel on his shoulder who had been smacking his back in an attempt to escape his inevitable fate to discourage the action. III didn't appreciate being smacked like that, even if he was forcefully kidnapping Vessel to put him in a box like a Christmas gift.

"You're going in the box and you are getting that damn ribbon." It wasn't the worst fate one could have, but... III had been hell bent on this since he woke up that morning. Vessel stood no chance with the other two on board either, he couldn't run for long without being caught and couldn't hide without being found.

II initially offered to take Vessels place, an attempt to spare the taller of them, but it wasn't satisfactory unless it was their faithful leader tied up under that shiny, lit up tree. IV had initially proposed the idea as a joke, or... not really proposed, but he brought it up in conversation a few nights prior.

There has been a trend going around on social media as of late, people online talking about their favorite fictional characters being tied up under their Christmas trees. IV got a good laugh out of it and could have sworn he saw II chuckling a bit too. If only he knew the idea he would put in III's head by mentioning it, and the hell Vessel would suffer as a result. Even then, he wasn't truly suffering if it was all in good fun. Vessel could afford to not brood for a little while and have a bit of fun with the rest of them.

III was up extra early that morning trying to convince II and IV to help him with his little idea, II far more willing to help than IV initially. However, a coffee chocolate bribe later and IV was on board to help.

"Let me go, please I'll do anything!" Vessel squirms became more and more desperate, almost falling off of III's shoulder several times only to be readjusted again. III's silent battle to keep him contained raged on in the meantime.

"IV!" Vessel stared up at IV, walking behind III. The only response he gave was a slight shrug, his lips pulling up slightly under his mask as Vessel was dragged back to the living room. The tree was already decorated and waiting, ribbons and bows and wrapping paper sitting out as well as a Vessel sized box. The tree lights reflected off some of the shinier bows and wrapping paper, creating a small starry sky on the walls of the room.

He had been in the midst of working on gifts when the other three came in, seeming all too suspicious with their big box for him to not notice something was off. He was proved correct when they tried to get him in the box, though he was barely able to slip out of their grasps and make a run for it.

"For the love of Sleep you three are insufferable!" He sighed and gave up fighting though, or... made it seem like that was the case.

III set him down on the couch and he crossed his arms, glancing warily between the other three in the room. They all had their eyes locked on him, though maybe...

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