"friends!? Why would I even be friends with a worthless nobody like you!? We were never friends!" The lights started flashing above us and I backed away as jade suddenly started approaching. "as to why? You already know the answer to that!" I backed up into my desk and looked around looking for a way out.

"You think you can get away with what you did to me? You thought you could continue loving as if none of this ever happened!"

"Jade please, stop!" I begged. As she stood in front of me.

"no matter how many times you try- you will never get rid of me."

Squeezing my eyes shut I covered my head trying to block her out as tears welled Up in my eyes. The flashing lights Seemed to stop and I no longer felt Jade's overbearing presence lingering over Me.

Opening my eyes I lifted my head to see she was gone and everything was back to normal. Glancing down I could see my hands were shaking.

Hugging myself I sat there on the ground still frightened by what I saw. Why did I keep seeing these things? Why do I keep having strange visions? What is wrong with me!?

Squeezing my eyes shut I stayed huddled on the ground as so many questions raced through my mind, until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.


Waking up I found myself slumped up against the side of my desk in the corner of my room. Did I fall asleep here?

Pushing myself To my feet I looked around and saw the picture I drew lying on the floor, and a flood of memories of what happened previously rushed To my head, overwhelming me and giving me a migraine.

Groaning, I grabbed my lab coat and made my way out of the room to go to the cafeteria. I needed some coffee. Once I get something to drink and help me wake up then I'll be able to deal with all this nonsense.

Upon entering the cafeteria I noticed jade and the others all sitting enjoying their breakfast. Upon seeing me they all went quiet and watched as I dragged myself towards the coffee machine to pour myself a cup.

The sound of a throat being cleared behind me made me pause and glance back. Jade was standing there looking me over worriedly but just seeing her face was enough to trigger the memory of her at the pool and in my room to come forth.

I quickly looked away from her to focus my attention on the coffee in front of me as my hands shook. "Ava, I think we need to talk." she spoke up.

Chewing on the inside of my cheek I tried to force the image of the bloodied version of jade out of my mind.

"not now jade."

"Ava this is serious. Kerian is worried sick about you-" she pushed.

"Please jade, give me some time to wake up..." I begged quietly.

"he found you passed out on the floor! And you just ran off without any explanation, locking yourself in your room!" she exclaimed. "you wouldn't even talk to him! That's not like you! You always tell him everything. " She pushed again.

I tried to block her out as I poured a heapload of sugar into my cup.

"If Something happened you need to talk to one of us! Kerian deserves to know!" She Spoke again, the sound of her voice making head hurt even worse than Before.

I took a large gulp of my coffee only to take nothing but bitterness and musk, I practically spit it out onto the counter in front of me exasperated by how bad it tasted. I put in so much sugar... How is this possible? What Is Happening?!

"Ava! Listen to me!" Jade snapped as she grabbed my shoulder.

At the same time I felt a presence behind me and a cold breath Against my ear as an all too familiar voice whispered to me. "Fucking traitor."

Immediately I shoved jade off of me and threw the coffee on the ground, making the cup shatter across the floor.

Jade stepped back looking at me shocked as everyone at the table watched On, staring at me in the same way.

Somehow it was like I could hear each of their thoughts as they looked at me, muttering to themselves.

"What is wrong with her?"

"Why can't she be fucking normal."

"She doesn't belong here."

"They should've gotten rid of that woman."

Jade looked to the shattered coffee mug on the floor then back up at me unsure what to say or do. Shaking my Head I ran out of the cafeteria as jade and the others called after me.

I didn't pay attention to where I was going nor did I care. I could still hear their voices I'm my mind as they belittled and berated Me.

"You should've just stayed obedient," one voice said.

"Why can't you do anything right?!" another voice snapped.

"you should be locked away like the monster you are!" the first voice continued.

"Why do they even keep her alive?!" another voice chimed in.

Slowing my run to a stumbling walk I grabbed at my head and squeezed my eyes shut trying to drown them out. "Stop it!" I cried out.

"You were never my friend. Your nothing more than a traitorous bitch who needs to be put down like the dog you are..." jade's voice chimed in. Soon enough all the voices were chiming in chanting and repeating the same word over and over.


Tears streamed down my face as I collapsed to my knees in the hallway. The lights around me seemed to flicker and everything changed as my surroundings became much darker. The hallway was destroyed with blood splattering the walls and floor. Papers and bullet casings littered the floor. Some of the ceiling lights were flickering and hanging by just a few wires.

But even with everything in complete disarray, there was only one thing my mind could focus on as the voices grew louder.

Right before me was S-59's vault door cracked open, the inside little more than a dark void of nothingness.

Hesitantly I got to my feet and approached the door reaching for the opening. The voices started screaming and begging for me to stop as my fingertips grazed the cold exterior of the door.

I was suddenly grabbed from behind and pulled into a warm chest with one of my arms pinned to my side. "Ava!" kierans voice broke through my mind and the voices went silent.

But I was so close. The door was right there! Just a little closer and I could see what's inside! I have to see what's inside!!

I squirmed as kerian held me and tried to calm me down, but I refused. "let go of me!" I shouted.

He seemed to hesitate his grip loosening momentarily before becoming firm once more. "Ava I'm sorry- i cant."

There was a sharp pricked in my shoulder and I looked over to see him injecting me with something.

Immediately I went into a full-blown panic and screamed demanding he let go of me as I struggled and pounded my Fist against him.

"I'm sorry, please, forgive Me for not obeying, just this once..." He pleaded and I felt the strength draining from my body as my eyes grew heavy.

"No!" I cried, looking towards The open door. I was so close...

My body slumped and kerians arms suddenly disappeared. Replaced by the dark figure from my dreams. He was holding me close, comfortingly as I lay in his arms weak.

"Please forgive me..." His voice spoke up within my head as my eyesight blurred and I failed to keep my eyes open any longer.

Closing my eyes I Drifted off into the abyss. Unknowing to what we did wrong.

(Note: I'm sorry I know this is confusing af 😭 am curious tho as to what theories you guys might have? Do you know what's happening? Is ava sick? Is what she seeing real or fake? Do tell me your thoughts!)

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