Chapter 13 - New Life

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They spent the morning cuddling in bed, sharing sweet kisses and loving words. When it was finally time for them to get up, the bathed together and ended up spending some steamy time in the shower and more time in bed. 

Kris was trying to compensate for all the times that he had hurt Tao. The younger deserved to be happy and he was going to do his best to be the perfect husband for him. Loving Tao and being with him like this felt right, and it made him feel complete. "Do you like her?" Kris asked, slightly nervous, as he grasped Peach Blossom's reigns in his hand and walked her out of the stables. 

"I love her! She looks so beautiful and friendly," Tao replied with a smile, "Thank you Yifan-ge." Kris smiled happily as he used his free hand to pull his husband closer to give him a peck on the lips, "You don't have to thank me, I'm just happy you like her, come on Taozi, let's go for a ride," he said releasing the slim boy and helping him mount the horse. 

Tao got on the horse quite easily but he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling he got from being on a horse again. Kris smiled up at him and mounted Peach Blossom as well, sitting behind his husband and saying, "I said that I'd take care of you, remember? Don't worry Taozi, we can ride together today." Tao relaxed into his husbands hold as Kris' arms came around him to pick up the reigns. The nervous feeling dissipated as the blond nuzzled his neck and pecked his soft skin lightly. "Ge! No!" The raven-haired boy giggled at the ticklish sensation he got from the small pecks and shrugged his shoulders in an attempt to get his mischievous spouse to stop kissing his neck. "So here's where it tickles?" the blond teased, blowing air onto the sensitive skin of Tao's nape.

"Gege, please don't!" he protested, and Kris laughing as he finally tugged on the horses reigns, "Alright babe, ready?" he asked and when the younger nodded his head, he guided the horse onto the trail. After last night's rain, the trail was spotted with blossoming flowers and the grass was a little greener. Tao looked around at the view that lay before him and thought the same about his relationship with Kris. 

After the storm, their future seemed brighter and he felt like it was time for their love to bloom too. Kris on the other hand, was using their intimate horse ride as a chance to lean on the younger's slender frame, occasionally brushing against Tao's sides and legs and kissing his neck and shoulder's every once in awhile. 

Every time Tao turned his head around to look at his husband, Kris would swoop in to claim his husband's plump lips, leaving Tao breathless and blushing. They stopped where the trail ended at the top of a hill and from where they were, they had a beautiful view of the whole estate and Kris got down from Peach Blossom to tether her to a tree so he could help Tao down, lifting him by the waist to help him dismount. Tao slid down the length of his body and ended up in his husband's arms again. He shyly looked up and wrapped his arms around the blond, pulling him closer to say, "I'm so happy now, ge". The taller smiled and kissed him gently, "Taozi... I'm sorry for all the pain and suffering I've put you through. Please know that everything between Lina and I are over. I just want to cherish you and be with you. You've stolen my heart and now I'm going to steal yours". Tao tiptoed to give him a small kiss and then trail his lips to Kris' ear, whispering, "You don't have to steal my heart, I've already given it to you." Kris' smile just grew wider as he lifted him into the air and spun him around, making the other laugh. 

Kris put him back down on the ground and Tao said, "Here and now, let's promise to always make each other happy. We'll have our bad days but let's promise to make sure that at the end of the day, we'll put a smile on each other's faces." 

"I promise," Kris said, lifting Tao's chin to lean in and connect their lips. Tao closed his eyes and when they fluttered open, he shared a smile with his lover, grateful for their new beginning. 

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