Chapter 10 - Stolen

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Author's POV

He walked out of the building, a light spring in his step as he headed towards his car when suddenly, someone grabbed him by the arm. 

"I finally found you!" Baekhyun's eyes widened with shock and he turned around to see Yong-Jo holding on to him. 

Baekhyun's POV 

"I've missed you so much Baekhyunnie! But I'm here now and we can be together again!" My whole body trembled and I couldn't bring myself to reply him. I never thought that I would see him again; a few days ago I had put him in the past and told myself that it was all over but now here he is before me. He suddenly drew me into his, hugging me tightly and despite the many days that had passed since we'd last embraced, I still remember the warmth of his arms around me. The same warmth that now felt wrong and... uncomfortable. I don't belong in the space he created with his arms. 

"Yong-Jo?" I said, hesitantly saying his name, disbelief coloring the tone of my voice as I wondered if it really was him. He looked so different from the simple boy I used to love. He was wearing, what looked like, an expensive suit and full-rimmed glasses with a black and gold rim. When I looked at him, all I saw was a stranger. He released me from his hold, taking off his glasses and replied, "Yes, it's me... my lovely Baekhyun." He reached out and leaned in for a kiss but I pushed his shoulder and took a step back. 


"What? Why not?" he questioned, walking towards me as I retreated. 

"I'm married now Yong-Jo. What we used to have is over now." His face paled and his eyes widened in disbelief as he stopped approaching me, "No, Baekhyun! That's not true! You've always been mine, we promised to always love each other!" 

"You broke that promise when you left me! I waited... I waited for months but you never came back!" The words that left my mouth were reproachful but valid, all I had said was nothing but the truth. His eyes became teary and when I looked into the eyes that I had once loved, I felt sorry. Sorry for him and sorry for us in some way. 

"Please Baekhyun, let's talk about it, neh? Just give me a few minutes." 

"I'm sorry, but my husband is waiting for me at home," I told him, but I could already begin to feel my resolve weakening. 

"Baekhyun, please? After all we've done together and all that we've promised... please, stay and talk to me." Seconds of silence ticked by and I nodded in affirmation, my heart heavy with guilt because I had already moved on while he remained stuck in our broken relationship. The two of us deserved closure to our story.

Author's POV 

Chanyeol had been sitting in his study, writing a report on one of the horses, when he received a call from Baekhyun; as soon as he saw his phone light up with a picture of his husband, he smiled, hoping to hear good news. He hoped that the older would get his dream job too. It's important for him to see Baekhyun happy. "Yeol," the melodious voice said softly, through the phone's speaker. "Hey Baekkie! How did the interview go?" "It was great, I got the job!" the blonde on the other end of the call, smiled when he heard his spouses voice but his happy expression fell when he saw Yong-Jo looking at him. "Congratulations, jagiya! I knew you could do it! We have to celebrate!"

"Of course... Um, Chanyeol; I'll be home a little while later, they need me to stay and sign some papers," he said, closing his eyes as regret clutched at his heart. He didn't want to lie to Chanyeol but his husband knew nothing about Yong-Jo. "Alright! I'll have everything ready for us to celebrate by the time you come back home so don't worry about it! Just take your time and drive safely okay?" 

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