Chapter 7 - Flying Dragon

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Author's POV

"Yeollie," he whispered with a smile on his face. Chanyeol's arm was around his slim waist, preventing him from moving. He looked up at his husband's face, outlining the younger's features, from the gentle curve of his eyebrows to the his soft lips. Chanyeol scrunched his nose and the older smiled, his husband was so adorable and handsome. Spending their first night together as a real married couple, they were naked underneath the sheets, with the blanket covering only the lower halves of their bodies. His lower back ached a little as a reminder of the passionate night they had.  

Many thoughts were coming to his mind.... "I loved someone else once, I dreamt of marrying him.... but then you came along. I fought you and for a moment I thought I hated you. But I was wrong, you became my new dream, no..... you became my perfect reality, Chanyeol." The petite blonde snuggled closer to his husband, feeling complete by his side. He looked up at the redhead again and pecked his lips softly, Chanyeol slowly woke up, smiling because the first person he saw was his beautiful Baekhyun. "I love being awoken by your kisses," Chanyeol said. "And I'm happy because I'll wake up like this everyday!" the older said, grinning and giving him another chaste kiss.  

"What happened last night, is a dream come true for me."  

"For me too..." Baekhyun replied, his cheeks turning pink with the memory of last night. 

"Are you okay, Baekkie?"  

"I think so; I want to take a bath." 

"Let's take one together," Chanyeol said, standing up in all his naked glory. Baekhyun immediately grabbed a pillow and buried his face in it.  

"Yah, Chanyeol! Cover yourself!"  

"Why? You have to get used to seeing me naked because I love seeing you naked too!" he answered, teasing his husband by pulling at the blanket that was still covering the blonde. 

 "Yeol!" he shouted, pulling the blanket back and throwing a pillow at him. Chanyeol swiftly walked to Baekhyun's side of the bed and lifted him up, bridal style.  

"Come on, my beautiful wife! Let's take a bath," he said, walking to the bathroom with a blushing Baekhyun in his arms who was hiding his face in his hands. 

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In the Wu's house.... The Wu's and the Huang's were at the terrace, sipping drinks and eating breakfast.

When Tao didn't return to the party, Kris had apologized on his behalf and told them that he had a migraine. His parents were of course, worried but the blonde managed to convince them that Tao was fine and that he had already taken care of him. Kris felt like a prick because all that happened was his fault and now he was lying to his family so he could hide what really happened between them. He knew that Tao was hurt and mad at him, he didn't like that at all but nothing could change what he had done. 

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