Chapter 5 - Unexpected (The Party - Part I)

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Tao just had a horrible week, a horrible night and now..... he was probably going to have an even worse time at the party. He would have to pretend to be completely in love with Kris Wu, his 'GORGEOUS' husband, and he would have to smile and smile as if he was the happiest person in the world. He had not seen Kris since last night, isolating himself from the rest of the people in the house, Tao had chosen to remain in his room the whole morning and it was almost noon when he finally sneaked out to visit the Parks. Tao really liked the couple; at the very least he could make friends with these friendly people in the midst of this battlefield called 'marriage to Kris Wu'. He knew that Kris was like a brother to Chanyeol and vice versa, so he thought that perhaps he could get closer to Baekhyun, Chanyeol's husband. He was now helping the small blonde unpack his belongings while chatting with him.

"What are you wearing for the party?" Baekhyun asked, whilst taking out pictures of his family.

"I have a black tuxedo so I guess I'll just wear that..." the younger replied, simply.

"Chanyeol bought two tuxedos for me, he said that he wanted me to look like a million bucks so besides the tux, all I need is a little eyeliner and I'll be ready!"

"Eyeliner? Seriously?"

"Yes, Tao. Eyeliner! We have to stand out from the crowd plus.... I want to make Chanyeol proud and show everyone that all of this," he said, pointing towards his body, "belongs to Chanyeol and only Chanyeol!" Tao laughed at his comment and said, "You're so funny, Baekhyun-ge." It was really easy being friends with Baekhyun and he made him feel more comfortable.

"You know what Tao? Your panda eyes with a little eyeliner would look fantastic!"

"Panda eyes?"

"Yup! I've been thinking of that ever since I first saw you! You're an adoooorable panda!"

Tao laughed again, entertained by the older's cute antics and secretly pleased that he had been given a nickname by his newly found friend. A few minutes later, Chanyeol returned from his visit to the veterinarian clinic and stables. He was very excited for his first day of work that was on the coming Monday, after getting a look at all the prepared facilities. He would start working as the Wu's personal veterinarian and breeder for their prized horses. Finally, his dream was becoming reality and it was an even better reality that he could ever think of because he had Baekhyun by his side.

He entered his room and saw his husband and his new friends arranging their clothes and unpacking their other things.... "Baekkie, you know we have maids that can help you unpack?" he said, approaching the petite man and giving a kiss on the cheek.

"I know, but I don't have anything to do and Tao was happy to help me, right Tao?"

"Alright then, and thank you Tao!" Chanyeol said turning to him.

"It's not a problem! I had fun spending time with Baekhyun-ge. I have to leave now, I'll see the two of you at the party."

"Wait Tao! Remember you promised to come here first?" Baekhyun said, making a gesture to remember the younger about the eyeliner that he had promised to put on for the panda. The younger smiled and nodded. "What are you two up to?" Chanyeol wondered. Baekhyun threw a cute wink in Chanyeol's direction before turning back to Tao.

"I'll see you then, Baekhyun-ge, Chanyeol-ge." Tao said, bowing and exiting the room with a cute smile on his face.

"Yeollie, isn't he adorable?! Can we adopt him? Pleaaase?" Baekhyun said beaming.

Chanyeol just chuckled and gave his husband a bear hug, lifting him off the ground and spinning him around, pressing his lips to Baekhyun's. Baekhyun clung tightly to Chanyeol laughing as they both fell backwards onto the bed, with Baekhyun beneath Chanyeol.

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