ATLAB/TLOK archive note five: The series game rep

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Now how to put this well both Avatar the last airbender and the Legend of Korra have a hit and miss in the video games Department ever since the PlayStation 2 era legend of Korra one was a dud and one person try to make a avatar game on Dream for the PS4 but took up the whole service life span.

The other Avatar last in the game on the newest system doesn't click with everyone.

How could a avatar Last embed the game work if you ask me maybe  having said in the original nor The Korra era may not be the best idea so apart from the novels how about setting the future or maybe some alternate reality Avatar history is all but history and the conflict is beyond out of control and no one cares about the balance anymore to put in a nutshell.

What kind of game could it be well a fighter for starters without fatalities that is, RPG would be a nice suggestion and that I can come up with now if the after last minute is part of a game other than Nick building also brawl and even if it's a law time ago Nick Tunes night it has to be better than what could still sound like a parody.

What could it be you may ask well that a story for another day.

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