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"Realistically though, could you take a horse?" 

"What? In a fight or up my arse?" Chris replied as Maeve rolled her eyes at him. 

Maeve had come over to theirs after work, exhausted from the long day. She had only been planning on visiting for a little while but Chris had convinced her to stay as he was all by himself, Arthur having dragged George down to the studio to keep him company whilst he recorded the ending to his new song.

"You're an idiot." She sighed, placing a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth. Maeve loved spending time with Chris, he was undeniably funny and was slowly but surely becoming one of her closest friends. Not that she'd tell him that to his face, still it was the thought that counts. 

"I thought I was English!" He laughed at his own shit joke whilst pointing at her and waiting for her to join in. 

"Barely. I'd say inbred was the word you were looking for." She replied causing his smile to falter and him to glare at her instead. 

"Fair but still unnecessary." 

Maeve giggled, giving Chris' shoulder a reassuring pat as she looked at his sad expression. He first tried to shove her off himself jokingly before giving in and allowing her to hug him, figuring it wasn't worth the struggle. Pulling away she looked at his contempt face, happy to have cheered him up. 

"No, I'm not smiling because of you before you think I am. It's because I've though of something we can do." He stated with a laugh as he rose to his feet and walked over to their laundry room. In reality it was only a cupboard in there, with just about enough room for a washing machine and a tumble dryer, as well as the box that stood at at least six feet tall which Chris had hidden inside. 

"Your dream height." Maeve mumbled as Chris staggered back into the room, clearly struggling to carry the box. Hence why he soon let go of it, sending the contents of the box falling to the ground with a thump. 

"I was going to do it by myself to surprise George and Arthur, but since you're here.." He began, looking at Maeve with an awful attempt at puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine, I'll be Santa's little helper." She sighed complacently but secretly she loved decorating Christmas trees and would be happy to help him. 

"That's disgusting don't say that." 

"Do you want my help or not?" She asked as Chris looked up at her whilst he crouched on the ground beside the tree with pleading eyes and she gave in, getting down next to him and opening the box full of ornaments. 

"I don't like that every ornament in here is blue." She announced as Chris gave her a frustrated look. 

"Oh, I'm sorry is this your house? No, that's what I thought." He replied sarcastically, catching her off guard and making her splutter in astonishment. She didn't fight back though, instead she decided on taking out all the decorations and organising them based on their shades so she could mix and match them across the tree. 

"You alright?" She asked Chris who appeared to be trying and failing to reach the top of the tree to wrap around the final few lights. 

"Yes, I'm fine." He groaned, practically jumping at this point making Maeve giggle. 

"Laughing like you could reach it either." Chris huffed in annoyance before cheering as he finally managed to slot it in place, dancing around in circles to celebrate his achievement.

"Okay what the fuck have you done?" He asked, turning around to see all the ornaments laid out in uniform rows on the ground in front of where Maeve was knelt. 

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