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The next morning, Maeve had woken up with headache that pounded on both sides of her head right by her temples. Her mind was foggy, her vision hazy as though she'd just walked into a warm room after being stood in the cold outside and her glasses had steamed up.

 However, there was one thing that outshone all other thoughts whirring around her brain. The limp hand that lay delicately across her side and fell flat on her waist. She was sure that she was breathing so fast she might pass out, which at the time seemed like a better fate than having to face a life time of teasing from Arthur if he saw just how red her face was. Yet clearly he had felt it too as he stirred in his sleep, only making his grip tighten and result in him pulling her even closer. Every hair on her body stood on edge as she felt his warm breath brush against the nape of her neck, and the happy hum he made when she relaxed in his arms. 

She must've replayed that moment over and over in her mind as she impatiently waited what felt like a never ending week until she'd see him again, at Georges party. She'd busied herself with work and seeing friends, but ultimately she'd find herself on the same Youtube channels. Platform roulette was a fantastic concept and she loved Chris' pub golf videos too, if she had to pick to be featured in any videos she was certain it'd be either of those. 

So when the message came through from Arthur Hill two days before the party asking if she'd cover for George in their latest video since he was away, she happily accepted the invitation. Despite working behind a bar and both of her ideal features in a video being centred around alcohol, Maeve didn't particularly love drinking. She liked how it made her feel when she'd drink just enough to make herself tipsy, but the taste and the aftermath were often not worth the mere passing pleasure. Yet in all of Arthurs previous editions of platform roulette the beverage of choice was either beer or shots.

As it always seemed with these videos, Arthur was running late. Maeve and Arthur H wandered around Kings Cross station searching for a place to film where they wouldn't cause a huge inconvenience to passers by.  

"You excited?" Arthur asked as he carefully attached a small mic onto the collar of Maeve's hoodie, ensuring he didn't trap any of her hair with the little clip. 

"Excited wouldn't be the word I'd use, but sure!" She cheered and Arthur gave her a pat on the back as they walked towards a big board with the times of trains that were at the station appearing on it. 

"You'll be alright! I play the role of the miserable sod not you, got it?" 

"I'll be the miserable one if we end up anywhere further south than we are now." Maeve groaned, seeing that only a very small minority of the running trains took them up North. Arthur laughed, sipping on his second can of strong-bow. It was safe to assume he'd end up completely sloshed no matter how many times he swore he'd be the most sober in their conversations prior to the video. 

"Sorry I'm late!" Arthur panted as he ran up beside the pair, pulling each of them into a hug one after the other. 

"Doesn't make a change." Arthur H rolled his eyes, passing Arthur his own mic and leaving him to put it on himself. 

"Don't tell me he's acting sassy." Arthur groaned.

"Sassy man apocalypse!" Maeve giggled as Arthur scowled at the pair before pretending to flick his hair off his shoulder and strutting off. However his attempt at being funny was quickly diminished when he realised he had to turn back and walk over to them in order to start filming. 

"Don't." He warned whilst approaching a red faced Maeve with Arthurs hand over her mouth, trying and failing at holding back the biggest laugh that spilled from her lips.  

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