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She'd been staying in Arthurs room for the past two days and her time spent at their house had been great. She loved having Darcey as company as her own apartment could feel lonely at times. At first she'd felt a little worried about spending a whole week alone with Darcey, thinking that it may feel a bit awkward. But on the first nigh all feelings of tension had been thrown out the window after Darcey had entered her room to have a 'midnight feast' and read books. 

Maeve missed having room mates, after leaving uni a couple of years ago she'd lived alone. As much as she loved having time to herself, moments that she'd experienced with Darcey made her wish for someone else to live alongside in her own apartment. 

Darcey had assured her however that as fun as it may look, it could be frustrating at times. From when Flo would steal her makeup or almost burn down the house to Arthur spilling a pint of beer over her brand new £150 Uggs. 

That was why they were all planning on moving out soon. The last few years together had been fun but now it was deemed time for each of them to start a new chapter of their lives. Darcey had already found a gorgeous apartment that she was planning on moving to for February of next year, Arthur wanted to live with George, Chris and Arthur Hill. And, well, Flo had no clue but Maeve couldn't blame her. 

Suddenly her train of though was interrupted as the door ahead of them swung open and the bell above it gave a polite jingle, signalling someone new walking in. Or in their case, sprinting. 

"Abort! Abort!" Arthur yelled as he came charging over to the table that Maeve and Darcey were waiting at in the café, talking quietly amongst themselves. Shortly after him came George, waving his hand across his neck in cutting motions. 

"Right!" Announced Chris as he opened the door and the familiar jingle sounded again. Arthur attempted to bury his face in his hands and George leant against the wall, checking his fingernails and looking incredibly inconspicuous. 

"Christopher!" Darcey called out making Arthur hiss at her to shut up. But it was too late and soon he had spotted them all and began walking over to Maeve with a smug grin on his face. 

"Oh, Chris!" George stated in a shocked manor, "Fancy seeing you here!"

"George you trickster, like you couldn't see me!" Chris replied as he elbowed him in his side causing him to wince.

"I mean you're pretty easy to miss, the height and all." Maeve mumbled making Darcey snicker.

"She's got a point." Arthur shrugged as he took off his coat and placed it on the back of his chair. Chris could only look at them all with his jaw slacked in shock as they acted as if he weren't even there, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"Okay fine Chris, since you're so egar I guess I could slip it in..." George sighed, pretending to undo the zipper on his trousers as he stood in front of Chris making him jump up from his chair in surprise. 

"Oh look Chris is standing up to offer to get us drinks, isn't that lovely!" Maeve smiled sweetly at the man who simply groaned before trudging off towards the counter - not even bothering to argue.

"I should probably tell him our order." Darcey added with a loud exhale as she got up, "One ice latte for me, Two flat whites and..." 

"A mocha please!" Maeve requested, Darcey giving her a quick thumbs up before skipping after Chris. 

As soon as she had left, Arthur slammed his fist down on the table causing both Maeve and George to flinch and turn to face him.

"Now that Chris has buggered off." He began, "We can finally talk Buckmore park 2024! I was thinking 'senorita toads' is a great team name." 

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