Part 26

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Jay was at a crime scene. On the cliffs, with a small boy on the ground, after jumping off a rocky rock.

The unit arrived. Erin noticed her husband - Jay.

"Jay? You caught this case?" Hank asked.

Jay looked at Hank, and nodded.

"Yeah. I was on my way to the district..." Jay lied.

Hank nodded, and walked over to the crime scene.

"You okay?" Erin asked.

Jay nodded, and went to walk away.

"One sec. You got blood on your chin. Babe." Erin pointed out.

Jay felt his chin, and noticed blood on his fingers.

"Thanks for telling me. I'm gonna take a quick shower at the apartment..." Jay suggested.

Erin nodded, she could tell something was bothering her husband.

After Awhile. The unit were back at the district. Jay was sitting at his desk.

Erin walked over to her husband's desk. And sat on the edge.

"Your hair's still wet. Did you forget to dry it?" Erin Joked.

Jay laughed along with Erin, and used his hand to dry his hair.

"Well. Good thing, I got short hair!" Jay smiled.

Erin kissed Jay's forehead, and walked back to her desk.

Once. Jay was alone, he started to type up his paperwork.

Erin noticed Jay looking at his files. She knew something was on his mind.

After a few hours. Erin and Jay were back at the apartment. Jay was talking to Erin.

"What's on your mind. Babe?" Erin asked.

Jay sighed, and sniffled. 

"I think we should get married..." Jay suggested.

Erin was taken aback by the sudden suggestion.

"Jay..." Erin started.

Jay sniffled, and spoke.

"What? You can feel my head to check my temperature, I'm not crazy, I'm serious. Let's get married!" Jay replied.

Erin was lost for words. She wanted to get married, but she didn't know if Jay was ready.

"Jay. I-..." Erin got cut off.

Jay pulled out his cell phone, and spoke.

"Kim's awake..." Jay sniffled.

Erin nodded, and grabbed her Jacket.

"Let's Go..." Erin smiled.

Jay followed Erin out of the apartment, and got into the Sierra.

After 25 Minutes. The unit were all taking turns to visit Kim.

Jay was the last one to see Kim. And Kim had questions.

"Did you find Roy?" Kim croaked.

Jay sighed, they did find Roy. But. He didn't wanna worry his sister's head.

"No. Kim. We didn't..." Jay lied.

Kim nodded, and closed her eyes.

"But. We will..." Jay nodded.

Kim held Jay's hand, and spoke.

"Good. Make sure he rots in hell..." Kim snarled.

Jay kissed Kim's head, and said his goodbye.

"You rest up. Love Ya. Sis!" Jay smiled.

Kim said 'I love you too.' And fell back to sleep.

Jay soon left the room, and noticed Adam and Makayla.

"Uncle Jay Jay!" Makayla chirped.

Jay crouched down, and kissed his niece's head.

"Hi. Stinker!" Jay nicknamed.

Makayla laughed at the little nickname. Which melted Jay's heart.

"We're seeing Kim. You wanna come?" Adam offered.

Jay stood back up, and shook his head.

"No, your good. I already saw her. This is yours and Mack's time..." Jay explained.

Adam nodded, and said his goodbye to Jay.

"Later. Man!" Jay smiled.

Adam and Makayla walked into Kim's room.

Jay smiled at the two, and headed towards the elevator.

"Hi Mom!" Makayla smiled.

Kim looked down, and smiled.

"Hey. Kiddo!" Kim whispered.

Adam leant against the bed, and smiled.

"Glad to see you awake..." Adam commented.

Kim looked at Adam, and smiled.

"Glad to be awake..." Kim spoke quietly.

Adam smiled softly, and watched his foster daughter, and wife have a moment.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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