Part 15

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Erin and Hank were canvassing the area. When a call came in.

"Units in the 21st. And units in the citywide. Drunk and disorderly male. West 64th Street." Dispatch explained.

Erin picked up the radio. And accepted the call.

"This is 5021 Lincoln: Hold me. And 5021 Adam. At that address. We're two blocks out. Be advised head of command will be at the scene." Erin radioed.

Hank picked up the pace. And arrived at the scene.

Erin and Hank got out of the car. And Erin radioed.

"This is 5021 Lincoln: We're on scene. Be advised we're plainclothes." Erin advised.

Erin and Hank walked up to the drunk and disorderly. And noticed it was Mouse.

"Mouse?" Erin whispered.

Mouse looked at Erin and his former boss. And spoke.

"What do you guys want?"  Mouse asked.

Erin sighed, and grabbed Mouse's hand.

"Greg. You need to come back with us..." Erin replied.

Mouse shook his head, and drank his Vodka.

"Greg. If you don't come with us now. You'll be in taken in with cuffs. Don't do that to Jay..." Hank spoke softly.

Mouse sighed, and walked with Erin and Hank.

Erin opened the door. And Hank helped Mouse in.

Once. Mouse was in the car. Hank drove back to the district. 

Erin and Hank soon reached the district. And walked Mouse upstairs.

"Mouse?" Jay looked up.

Mouse noticed Jay, and Jay walked over.

"Were you the drunk and disorderly?" Jay questioned.

Mouse looked down, and nodded.

"Right. What are you charging him on?" Jay looked at Hank.

Hank crossed his arms, and gave an answer.

"Well. We're charging him on drunk and disorderly conduct. He'll be in holding till we can find a place for him to stay." Hank explained.

Jay nodded, and looked at Mouse.

"Okay. I'll take him to holding." Jay suggested.

Hank nodded, and stepped aside.

"Come on. Man..." Jay whispered.

Jay and Mouse walked downstairs, and buzzed themselves out.

"You can't keep doing this. Man." Jay spoke.

Mouse walked inside the cell. And sat down.

"Look. I'm in here now. You don't need to look after me." Mouse explained.

Jay shut the gate, and locked it.

"I'm Just looking out for you. Buddy." Jay replied.

Mouse blew out a breath. and closed his eyes.

Once Jay knew Mouse was calm. He left the room.

Jay walked back upstairs, and continued typing his paperwork.

Later on. The unit were finishing up their paperwork. And Jay walked downstairs.

"Mouse still in holding?" Jay asked.

Trudy looked up, and put the files on her desk.

"Last time. I checked." Trudy confirmed.

Jay patted the desk. And went to holding.

As Jay walked through the cells. He landed at Mouse's.

"Mouse. Wake up..." Jay whispered.

Mouse opened his eyes, and noticed Jay.

"Jay?" Mouse mumbled.

Jay nodded, and smiled.

"Yeah. Let's get you that fix." Jay smiled.

Mouse smiled, and sat up.

Jay and Mouse got up, and left the cell.

After 15 Minutes. Jay and Mouse arrived at the clinic.

"Now. I have two choices..." Jay started.

Mouse noticed he wasn't at his usual spot.

"This isn't my usual spot. Where are we?" Mouse asked.

"You never heard my choices..." Jay chuckled.

Mouse groaned, and stayed silent.

"You. Can either go to that corner. And score. Or go into that clinic. And get well." Jay gave his choices.

Mouse looked at the corner. And then at Clinic.

"I wanna get better..." Mouse whispered.

Jay smiled, and spoke.

"Let's get you better then." Jay smiled softly.

Jay and Mouse got out of the truck. And walked towards the clinic.

As Jay and Mouse walked. Mouse stopped, and hugged Jay.

Jay smiled, and hugged Mouse back.

"Come on. Let's Go." Jay sniffled.

Mouse and Jay walked towards the clinic. And got inside.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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