Part 22

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The unit were at the crime scene. And it rattled all the unit's heads.

Erin and Jay walked towards their truck. And Erin knew Jay was hiding his emotional state. He was stubborn. 

"Hey. You okay?" Erin asked.

Jay was gonna answer. But Shots took over.

"GET DOWN!" Hank ordered.

The unit all fell down, and Jay pulled out his radio.

"5021 Adam: I got shots fired at the police. At 1453 West Ohio. My officers are taking heavy fire. Get me some cars!" Hank instructed.

Erin and Jay tried to shoot at the house. But crouched down quickly.

The cars arrived, and arrested the shooter. While the unit searched the house.

Erin and Jay walked into the house, and noticed dozen of kid bodies.

"Gosh..." Jay gasped.

The kids were no more then five years old. They were shot in different parts of their bodies.

"This is 5021 Lincoln: Roll me the crime lab. I got multiple tender age DOA's." Erin radioed.

Jay was looking at one of the bodies. Who was the same age as Kaley.

"You okay?" Erin wondered.

Jay sighed, and spoke.

"The girl's the same age as Kaley..." Jay whispered.

Jay left the house. And Erin followed him.

After Awhile. Erin and Jay were walking into the district. 

"Sir. You have to talk to missing persons. For any complaints about a missing kid." Platt explained.

Matthew sighed, and Jay walked up to him.

"Hey? What's going on?" Jay wondered.

Trudy started. But Matthew grabbed Jay.

Everyone pulled their guns out, and pointed it at Matthew.

"DROP YOUR GUNS!" Matthew shouted.

Trudy shook her head, and spoke.

"Don't be stupid. Matthew." Trudy spoke up.

Matthew brought Jay into the meeting room, and slammed the door.

"Dammit!" Erin whispered.

Erin ran upstairs, and got the unit.

"Guys! Jay's been held hostage! He's in the meeting room." Erin explained.

The unit all ran downstairs, and made sure they had their guns.

Jay was in the meeting room. With a gun pointed at his head.

"Look. Man. I'm not who you need. If you let me out. I'll try, and find your kid." Jay bargained.

Matthew shook his head, and spoke.

"Matthew. Your not a bad guy. I know your not. Just let me g-." Jay got cut off.

Matthew shot one bullet. Which shot Jay in the stomach.

"How long till the hostage negotiator gets here?" Antonio asked.

"Two minutes out." Hank whispered.

An officer walked over to Hank, and spoke.

"Matthew wants to speak to the person in charge..." Anna explained.

Hank took the phone, and spoke.

"Voight." Hank cleared his throat.

Matthew sighed, and spoke.

~Leaving for Good~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat