Part 25

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It was the night of a big stakeout - the unit trying to catch the unstoppable criminal - Roy Welch.

Kim was sitting in her car alone. As her partner was getting treated for drug addiction that partner being - Antonio.

"I got nothing here. I'll canvass the area." Kim radioed.

Kim sat back, and drank her latte. Which was now cold.

As Kim drank her coffee. Kent knocked on the window.

"Excuse me? Officer?" Kent whispered.

Kim looked at Kent, but it didn't last long.

Kim hit her head on the dashboard, making her coffee go everywhere.

"Night!" Kent snarled.

Kent opened the door, and pulled Kim out.

Kim fell limply to the floor - still unconscious.

Once. Kim was on the floor. Kent stepped on her stomach.

Kim jolted, and was still unconscious.

Kent looked around, and dragged Kim towards the truck.

As Kim got taken away, she regained consciousness.

Kim felt herself move without her control, and she could tell she was being kidnapped.

"No! No!" Kim shouted.

Kim clawed at the ground, and managed to get her radio.

"5021 Ed-." Kim got cut off.

Kent banged Kim's head on the curb, making her pass out.

After a few minutes. Kent placed Kim in his truck, after getting her gear off.

Kent shut the door securely, and drove off to the warehouse.

"5021 Eddie. Go ahead with your traffic..." Dispatch replied.

Dispatch waited a minute, then spoke again.

"5021 Eddie. Do you need assistance. 5021 Eddie. I repeat. Do you need assistance." Dispatch asked.

"All units be advised. Possible missing officer. Last radio call from 189th Street. Unresponsive since then." Dispatch explained.

The unit heard the call. And they were on their way.

"Okay! Everyone go to Kim's last location!" Hank barked.

The unit all sped towards Kim's last location.

"Boss. I got Kim's car. It looks open." Jay radioed.

"Copy! Is Kim in there?" Hank asked.

Erin looked inside, and shook her head.

"That's a negative. Car looks empty." Jay reported.

Hank soon arrived. With the rest of the unit.

"Okay. We got a coffee cup, get forensics to run the prints." Hank ordered.

Forensics rushed over, and took the coffee cup away.

"Whatever happened. It happened here. Let's search the area!" Hank instructed.

The unit all nodded, and went their separate ways.

Kim was slowly waking up, when she felt the car stop.

As Kim took in her surroundings, she got pulled out of the truck.

"Huh?" Kim gasped.

Kim fell to the floor, and held her grazed arm.

~Leaving for Good~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora