Part 13

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It had been months, months. And months. Since Jay got burnt in Pat's apartment. He had suffered through all the immense pain. He regained feelings in his legs after about two weeks. It was a long recovery. But. He managed to pull through it. And Erin treated him. And Kaley to a break. Which led to them staying with Jay's mom.

"Daddy? Do you wanna play cards?" Kaley babbled.

Jay always got carsick on long journeys. And Jay suffered badly from it.

"Not now. Baby girl. Daddy's not feeling good..." Jay responded.

Kaley nodded, and shuffled the cards. To play on her own.

As Erin drove. Jay started to feel his stomach churn.

"Babe. You got any gum?" Jay asked.

Erin nodded, and handed Jay a pack of gum.

"Thanks..." Jay smiled.

Jay placed the gum in his mouth. And swallowed the sugar.

"You carsick. Babe?" Erin wondered.

Jay nodded, and closed his eyes.

"Aww. It's okay, we'll be at your mom's soon..." Erin comforted.

Jay mumbled. And fell asleep.

Soon. Erin. Jay. And Kaley arrived at Jay's mom's.

The door clicked opened. And Jennifer was on the other side.

"Hi Guys!" Jennifer chirped.

Erin smiled, and hugged Jennifer.

"Hi Jennifer." Erin smiled.

Kaley walked in. And babbled.

"Auntie Jennie!" Kaley chirped.

Jennifer smiled. And noticed her son.

"Hey. Sweet thing!" Jennifer smiled.

Jay sniffled, and looked down.

"Come inside. Hon..." Jennifer suggested.

Jay walked inside. And leant against the wall.

"Why don't you take. Kaley straight through. I'll look after Jay." Jennifer explained.

Erin noticed Jay's pale complexion. And it broke her heart.

"Let's Go!" Erin looked at Kaley.

Kaley giggled, and toddled to the lounge.

Once Erin and Kaley were gone. Jay broke into sobs.

"Oh. Honey!" Jennifer pouted.

Jennifer held Jay in her arms, feeling him tremble.

"Let's get you upstairs..." Jennifer suggested.

Jay walked slowly upstairs, holding onto Jennifer.

"I'm here. Jay. Your okay." Jennifer reassured.

Jennifer and Jay walked into the guestroom. And Jay lied on the bed.

"Now. Erin told me. You were burnt?" Jennifer asked.

Jay sighed, and nodded.

"Yeah. On my legs. I'm fine!" Jay reassured.

Jennifer rolled Jay's Joggers up. And noticed bandages.

"Jay! When were these last changed?" Jennifer wondered.

Jay shrugged, and spoke.

"Erin normally does them. She was raped yesterday. I didn't wanna add to her stress..." Jay explained.

Jennifer understood about what Erin was going through. But. She wasn't happy.

"Let me change these. Baby." Jennifer cooed.

Jay had no option. But to agree. He closed his eyes.

Jennifer gently took the dirty bandages off. And cleaned Jay's burns.

Once. The burns were clean. Jennifer put some new bandages on.

"There. All done!" Jennifer smiled.

Jay smiled, and rolled over.

"You have some sleep. You need rest..." Jennifer whispered.

Jennifer placed the blankets over Jay's warm body, and kissed his head.

"Thanks. Mama..." Jay smiled.

Jennifer smiled, and whispered.

"No problem. Sweet thing." Jennifer smiled softly.

Jennifer turned the light out. And walked downstairs.

"He's out." Jennifer spoke up.

Kaley was passed out on Erin's lap. After playing two games of Uno.

"So, Is she..." Erin laughed lightly.

Jennifer laughed, and watched her show.

Later on. Erin and Jay were asleep in each other's arms. While Kaley slept in her room.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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