Part 12

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Erin was walking down the street. As he wanted some fresh air. And to clear her mind.

As Erin walked. She got grabbed into an alley. By a suspect.

"Huh?" Erin whispered.

Michael knocked Erin out with a metal rod. Making her fall to the floor.

Once Erin was down. Michael began unbuckling his belt. While smirking.

Michael had raped Erin. And Erin wasn't conscious for any of it.

Once Michael got himself together. He got up, and left the alley.

Erin was left alone, and unconscious in the middle of an alley. 

"Ma'am? Can you hear me?" Katie asked.

Katie crouched down, and felt Erin's pulse.

"Hold still. Coco." Katie ordered.

Coco was Katie's dog. She was barking at the moon. While Katie dialled an ambulance.

"Hi. I need an ambulance. Someone's been raped..." Katie spoke into the phone.

Erin groaned. As she came to. But she wasn't awake for very long.

"Ma'am. It's okay. An ambulance is on it's way..." Katie reassured.

Jay managed to pull out her ID. And Katie noticed.

"Yeah. I think she's a cop..." Katie clarified.

Soon. Erin was at Med. Asleep in her room.

"Hey. I heard the rape victim was a cop?" Jay asked.

Connor nodded, and spoke.

"Jay. The cop's. Erin..." Connor replied.

Jay felt his heart drop. He rushed straight in.

"Erin?!" Jay called.

Erin opened her eyes, and began breaking down.

"Oh. Baby..." Jay pouted.

Jay walked over, and held Erin tightly.

"It's okay, I got you..." Jay soothed.

Erin held Jay close, and sobbed heavily.

"Erin. We have to do a rape kit..." Monique replied.

Erin shook her head, and buried herself into Jay's body.

"Okay. Baby. It's okay. Can you get Nat?" Jay asked.

Monique nodded, and went to go get Natalie.

After a moment. Natalie walked in. 

"Hi You two!" Natalie smiled.

Jay smiled, and stroked Erin's brown locks.

"She went off about five minutes ago..." Jay whispered.

Natalie nodded, and placed some latex gloves on.

"Erin. Sweetie?" Natalie whispered.

Erin opened her eyes, and noticed Natalie.

"Nat?" Erin mumbled.

Natalie smiled, and nodded.

"Yeah. Hey. You wanna do that rape exam. Now?" Natalie wondered.

Erin sat up, and nodded.

"Okay. You can tell me when it's getting uncomfortable..." Natalie reassured

Erin nodded again, and lied on the exam bed.

Once Erin was all prepped. Natalie performed the exam.

"So, how's Kaley?" Natalie asked.

Jay looked up, and smiled.

"She's good. She loves her teddy. Thank you so much for that..." Jay thanked.

Natalie smiled, and finished the rape exam.

"Okay. The exam's done. You did really well. Erin." Natalie praised.

Erin smiled, and cuddled into Jay's chest.

"You wanna use my chest as a pillow?" Jay asked.

Erin nodded, and succumbed to sleep.

"I love you. Baby..." Jay whispered.

Jay held Erin tightly, and kissed her head.

After Awhile. Erin and Jay were asleep in each other's arms.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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