Part 7

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Erin and Jay were walking into the district. When Jay noticed a brown envelope. Which contained the divorce papers.

"Platt? What's this?" Jay asked.

Trudy looked up, and spoke.

"They came this morning. It's addressed to you." Trudy responded.

Jay picked up the envelope. And walked upstairs into the bullpen.

"I got him..." Erin whispered.

Erin walked upstairs, and made it to the bullpen.

"Where's Jay?" Erin asked.

Adam pointed at the office. And spoke.

"They both went in. Now. You have all the information I have." Adam explained.

Erin nodded, and sat down at her desk.

The office door clicked open. Hank and Jay walked out.

"So, Jay will be working with another unit. Not for long. Just seeing how they act with other people." Hank explained.

Erin looked at Jay. Who looked down.

"That's big..." Erin mumbled.

Jay nodded, and placed his Jacket on.

"Bye Guys!" Jay smiled.

The unit all said their goodbyes, and focused on the case.

Jay got into his truck, and drove to the new district.

After Awhile. Jay. And his new partners arrived at a location.

"This is 21-Adam 13. We got a distressed patient. Have psych on standby." Johnny explained.

Jay walked up to the patient. And tried speaking to him in a calming voice.

"Hey. I'm Detective Halstead. You can call me Jay. Is someone inside?" Jay asked.

Andrew kept mumbling out random words. As he tried pushing the door open.

"Hey. Are you trying to get in? To save them?" Jay wondered.

Andrew nodded, and kept mumbling.

"Okay. Let's try, and walk you back to safe-." Jay got cut off.

Andrew thought quickly. And pushed Jay through the glass door.

The glass smashed. Jay fell down. And cuffed Andrew.

"Your okay! Stay calm!" Jay breathed out.

 Jay looked over. And saw two patrol cops.

"You two! Get your asses over here!" Jay ordered.

Anna and Henry nodded, and pulled Andrew up.

"Detective. You can't go in there!" Amy replied.

Jay ignored his orders. And walked inside the building.

Smoke was filling the room. As Jay ascended the stairs.

"5021 George: Roll me the Hazmat unit. Ambos. And CFD. To 2008 South Troop. I can smell chemical fumes. Standby for more details." Jay explained.

Jay kicked the door open. And noticed the whole room filled with smoke.

"5021 George: I got an active fire. Two DOA's. One male. One female. Both severely burned. I need that backup now!" Jay radioed.

Jay moved the two bodies out of the apartment. And slammed the door.

After Awhile. Jay had been checked out. And Adam and Kim arrived at the scene.

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